Hi pypy-dev! Unusually for the end of a sprint, everyone here is wide awake and fully alert here in the wonderfully pretty but remarkably snow-free ski resort of Leysin, in the Ermina B&B we have sprinted at three times before. Only joking, we are as tired as we always are. This sprint really is unusual in the sense that not very many new things were started. Slowly approaching the end of the EU-funded period, we are more in finalizing mode and try to get the results we promised (actually we had several EU related meetings to discuss some report writing plans and how to go about things in the next few weeks). It was no surprise that a lot of time went into making the JIT actually speed up code (a goal that is still not attained). There were two large subsections of this work: the relatively easy to explain task of improving the quality of the machine code the JIT produces and The Other One. Armin and Michael started the sprint with refactoring the interface to the code generators to make the lives of the backends easier, especially with regard to register allocation. This obviously broke all the backends, so the refactoring and the fixing of existing code took a day or so. Then Michael (with some later help from Niko), Armin and Eric worked on the PPC, i386, and LLVM backends respectively. They all ended up banging their heads fairly hard against various flat surfaces, especially Armin who had the wonderfully clean, regular and well designed i386 instruction set to work with. Arre and Samuele worked in the Terminology Production department, coming up with the wonderful concept of "virtualizable structures". Apparently it was much harder to implement them than to invent a term for them, so they mostly spent the whole week on it (and arrived only at "the easy part of the hard part"). To offer some hint of an explanation, virtualizable structures are data structures that live in the JIT world but can still be accessed by non-jitted code from the outside. Niko, who is funded as part of the Summer-of-PyPy program (so that's why we don't have snow: the Summer of PyPy is stronger than the Winter of Switzerland), was working with Anto on the Java backend he had started in Duesseldorf. By now a fair set of tests is passing and they managed to translate rpystone to Java bytecode (the result being roughly 20 times slower than the C version currently. although without many optimizations). After a few days Niko got fed up with Java and helped in the PowerPC efforts. The goal of Niko's project is to translate all of PyPy some time in the next few months and it seems to be well on course. A large amount of sprint energy was poured into making the Py-lib ready for release (but we all only believe it when we see it :-) ). Holger, Maciek, Guido, Carl Friedrich, Alexandre and Sylvain all worked on polishing, writing doc strings, documentation etc. for the various pieces of the package. Also a lot of functions were "unexported" to not have to deal with backward compatibility forever (which mostly broke Armin's large collection of strange conftest files in his deep and scary hack directory). Two sub-projects deserve special mention: Sylvain and Alexandre produced a debian package (which is confusingly called python-codespeak-lib, thanks to strange debian policies), including producing the mandatory man-pages for the various py-lib scripts. Otherwise the main thing the debian patches do is removing assorted cleverness from the py-lib to do with finding itself, as task which is obviously easier when you've been installed into a known location! After the success with packaging the py-lib, Sylvain and Alexandre set themselves the way scarier goal of packaging PyPy for Debian in a meaningful way. Almost disappointingly, they are dealing with the problem just fine and have a pretty good plan of how approach things: there will be a pypy-dev package which is for people developing in RPython, one or more binary packages that contain pre-translated PyPy versions (for example with stackless) and a pypy-lib package that will contain the common parts of both. An interesting point is that of dependencies: the pypy-dev package will "Depend" on those packages required to be able to run py.py, "Recommend" those packages that a developer wishing to work in RPython would need and "Suggest" some of the more eclectic packages PyPy sometimes uses. This will mean that if you set up a debian machine for working with PyPy, even if you plan to use the svn head version, installing pypy-dev will be an easy way to get all the dependencies right. The other py-lib sub-project that saw some serious polishing is the API documentation generator, "apigen". It's approach is very different from every other doc generator that we know of: instead of inspecting the source / AST / live objects and getting information from that, the tool runs all the tests of the project and observes what is happening using a trace hook. This means that it can present information about types that is inaccessible to other approaches (the information is not totally precise, of course). This also gives yet another reason for having thorough tests, since everything that is not tested will not be documented (as well as broken, as per "that which is not tested is broken"). A slightly out-of-date version of the resulting web pages can be seen at: http://johnnydebris.net/pyapi/ Another thing which was presented to the wider public for the first time is the build tool that Guido has been working on in the last months. The basic idea is that people can donate spare cycles on their machines by hooking them up to codespeak. Other people can then schedule PyPy translations which are distributed to one of the free machines. This has now reached the point where it basically works, but a lot of rough edges remain. So far it proved very useful to shine some, but not enough, light on a rather vicious and old annotation bug. We expect this tool to be useful for exploring the rather large configuration space of translation options, especially when it comes to inlining, which now has three more or less independent parameters. Samuele and Carl Friedrich ignored the fact that it was the breakday to work a bit more in the Terminology Production department. What they came up with is "shadow tracking" which does not have anything to do with OpenGL or real-time shading but is cool anyway. The idea is that every instance knows whether it shadows any attribute of any class in its MRO. This is useful information because it allows skipping the lookup in the instance dictionary if the attribute was already found in the class (a class lookup is already the first thing that is done, because of data descriptors). This led to a speedup of something like 10% for the richards benchmark, nearly no change for Pystone (which is hardly surprising since it is not an object oriented benchmark). Later they tried to implement method caching to save the lookup on the type too, at least for the most commonly called methods. This was a bit painful and lead to a rather small speedup of about 4% for richards. The hope is that this sort of optimization might also help the JIT later. Our other Summer-of-PyPy student (he is from Brazil, so it is summer for him), Leonardo, continued to explore the dark corners of the ECMAScript "specification". Antonio, Guido, Maciek and Armin all gave him moral support at various points in the sprint. A large success was that he managed (once) with Anto's help to translate the interpreter to .NET and C. It is still relying on Narcissus and Spidermonkey for parsing (parsing is boooring!). Leonardo is now working on increasing conformance and finding ambiguities in the specification. The subject of run-time modifiable syntax has been around for a long time in the PyPy world, and after a dormant period is waking up again. If you restrict yourself to py.py you can now for example add a do-while loop at runtime and during the sprint, a mixed on-/off-site team of Adrien, Michael and Sylvain worked on making this code translatable again, which involved the usual multi-layer confusions. Anto worked on improving the speed of pypy-cli by adapting and debugging various backend optimization to work with ootypes. The resulting fastest pypy-cli he got (involving --faassen and the Microsoft runtime) is roughly 10 times slower than CPython and 6 times slower than IronPython (again on the richards benchmark). Antoher step on the road to world domination. For the non-technical part, the sprint has also seen quite some skiing, long walks through the snowy landscape, star-gazing, several evenings of watching strange movies (polish karate being the strangest), lusting after Swiss Army knives with USB sticks built in and a whole night of "just one more game" of Durak (a russian card game Carl Friedrich wasted his school years with). Atenciosamente, Carl Friedrich & mwh

Carl Friedrich Bolz <cfbolz@gmx.de> writes:
Somehow the two of us forgot to mention that Maciek (and anyone who got too close to him and was roped in to help) worked on simplifying the interface for declaring external functions. Before this, a task as simple as adding support for say "os.dup" involved editing roughly 42 files, and then wouldn't work because you forget the 43rd. Now there is a nice helper function that allows all the details to be in just one file, as seen in pypy/rpython/module/ll_os.py. Bästa hälsningar, mwh & Carl Friedrich -- <datazone> okay, tell me if i am crazy <Yosomono> you are <datazone> damn -- from Twisted.Quotes

Sounds awesome guys, I need to get Drexel University or next year's Summer of Code to pay to get me to some of these Sprints. In other news, my commandline Python-to-C compiler app will be seeing a lot more attention next weekend. I'll send an email to pypy-dev when it's done. Regards, Paul

Carl Friedrich Bolz <cfbolz@gmx.de> writes:
Somehow the two of us forgot to mention that Maciek (and anyone who got too close to him and was roped in to help) worked on simplifying the interface for declaring external functions. Before this, a task as simple as adding support for say "os.dup" involved editing roughly 42 files, and then wouldn't work because you forget the 43rd. Now there is a nice helper function that allows all the details to be in just one file, as seen in pypy/rpython/module/ll_os.py. Bästa hälsningar, mwh & Carl Friedrich -- <datazone> okay, tell me if i am crazy <Yosomono> you are <datazone> damn -- from Twisted.Quotes

Sounds awesome guys, I need to get Drexel University or next year's Summer of Code to pay to get me to some of these Sprints. In other news, my commandline Python-to-C compiler app will be seeing a lot more attention next weekend. I'll send an email to pypy-dev when it's done. Regards, Paul
participants (3)
Carl Friedrich Bolz
Michael Hudson
Paul deGrandis