Hello, I'm programming in Python for 3 years and I would like to contribute as far as I can to Python. But since I can't write a single line of C ;) I've decided to try to contribute to PyPy. Is there some simple tasks or "things" that need to be done on PyPy and who don't need to be a core PyPy hackers ? Thanks in advance, Fabien SCHWOB -- QOTW (Quote of the week): "What can I do with Python that I can't do with C#? You can go home on time at the end of the day." -- Daniel Klein

Hi Fabien! Fabien SCHWOB skrev:
First of all - thank you for your interest in PyPy! As to your question I would suggest (because you know best your experiences and interests) that you check out the documentation on http://codespeak.net/pypy/dist/pypy/doc/index.html You could read up on various aspect of the architecture and navigate down to the interesting details from there. Also - check out the EU reports on that page because they will also present some views on PyPy and the status achieved (until autumn last year). And then I would say also pop by #pypy on irc.freenode.net and talk to the pypy developers there, and also ask questions you might have regarding your findings in the doc. Also - please check the getting started doc - so that you could look at the source as well. Are you planning to go to Europython? Because if you are we are going to sprint there and that is a very good way of getting into the project with tutorials and people present to answer question and pari up with. Good luck! Cheers Bea

I'm going to take a look at the documents over there.
Yes, I would like to. But I'm currently doing an internship and I will only finish for the 7th of July. So I think I will try to came for the last two day of sprint (the week end). -- "Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live." -- Damian Conway

Hi Fabien! Fabien SCHWOB skrev:
First of all - thank you for your interest in PyPy! As to your question I would suggest (because you know best your experiences and interests) that you check out the documentation on http://codespeak.net/pypy/dist/pypy/doc/index.html You could read up on various aspect of the architecture and navigate down to the interesting details from there. Also - check out the EU reports on that page because they will also present some views on PyPy and the status achieved (until autumn last year). And then I would say also pop by #pypy on irc.freenode.net and talk to the pypy developers there, and also ask questions you might have regarding your findings in the doc. Also - please check the getting started doc - so that you could look at the source as well. Are you planning to go to Europython? Because if you are we are going to sprint there and that is a very good way of getting into the project with tutorials and people present to answer question and pari up with. Good luck! Cheers Bea

I'm going to take a look at the documents over there.
Yes, I would like to. But I'm currently doing an internship and I will only finish for the 7th of July. So I think I will try to came for the last two day of sprint (the week end). -- "Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live." -- Damian Conway
participants (3)
Beatrice During
Fabien Schwob