Hello everybody, One more e-mail to remind you that one of the goal of the sprint was to release something at the end of the week. Did you realize that the interpreter (with the trivial object space) already works nicely enough to run the following: # python interactive.py Python 2.2.2 (#2, Nov 14 2002, 17:24:26) [GCC 2.96 20000731 (Mandrake Linux 8.2 2.96-0.68mdk)] in pypy PyPyConsole / TrivialObjSpace
import dis dis.dis(dis.dis)
I particularly enjoy the slooooooowness of the resulting disassembly dump :-) Do you think, just for the fun, that this would be worth a "release"? It would show the "outside world" that we actually got something "serious" done. Of course "serious" needs quote, given the speed of the result, but at this point everybody should know that it was planned, and that we are dreaming about top speeds involving some rather obscure translations (probably invoking strange beasts from the theory of Computer Science). A bientôt, Armin.

[Armin Rigo Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 03:35:23PM +0100]
we released something: urls into our subversion tree :-)
me, too :-)
before doing a release we should clean up any stale documentation in the wiki. Other than that a pypy-0.1 is feasible within a week's range IMO. Also the exception tracebacks are already pretty nice in that they separate interpreter and application level origins thus easing debugging. btw, I am working on nested scopes and a script that invokes all unit-tests. Might be nice for the release. Also can't we make the trivial's objspace "wrap" and "unwrap" actually do something like def wrap(self, value): return Box(value) def unwrap(self, w_value): return w_value.value with class Box: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value ? I just tried but got errors which i am investigating. They may indicate incorrect wrap/unwrap arithmetic. holger

holger krekel <hpk@trillke.net> writes:
I think that should be "slightlylesstrivialobjspace.py" or something.
I just tried but got errors which i am investigating. They may indicate incorrect wrap/unwrap arithmetic.
Quite likely there's some of that. You also have to thoroughly rewrite trivial.py. Cheers, M. -- Every day I send overnight packages filled with rabid weasels to people who use frames for no good reason. -- The Usenet Oracle, Oracularity #1017-1

[Armin Rigo Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 03:35:23PM +0100]
we released something: urls into our subversion tree :-)
me, too :-)
before doing a release we should clean up any stale documentation in the wiki. Other than that a pypy-0.1 is feasible within a week's range IMO. Also the exception tracebacks are already pretty nice in that they separate interpreter and application level origins thus easing debugging. btw, I am working on nested scopes and a script that invokes all unit-tests. Might be nice for the release. Also can't we make the trivial's objspace "wrap" and "unwrap" actually do something like def wrap(self, value): return Box(value) def unwrap(self, w_value): return w_value.value with class Box: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value ? I just tried but got errors which i am investigating. They may indicate incorrect wrap/unwrap arithmetic. holger

holger krekel <hpk@trillke.net> writes:
I think that should be "slightlylesstrivialobjspace.py" or something.
I just tried but got errors which i am investigating. They may indicate incorrect wrap/unwrap arithmetic.
Quite likely there's some of that. You also have to thoroughly rewrite trivial.py. Cheers, M. -- Every day I send overnight packages filled with rabid weasels to people who use frames for no good reason. -- The Usenet Oracle, Oracularity #1017-1
participants (4)
Armin Rigo
holger krekel
Michael Hudson
Stephan Diehl