Hello ! Here is at least a quick overview of the sprint changes... * Holger already talked about the big change, which was to use CPython's descriptor model as the object model. Now all classes, built-in or not, have a bunch of __xxx__ methods and properties, and the operations themselves (e.g. space.add()) are no longer multimethods but calls to these special methods, using CPython's rules, which you can see in objspace/descroperation.py. For example, space.add(w1,w2) works by looking up __add__ on the type of w1 and then __radd__ on the type of w2. This means that there isn't a lot of difference any more between built-in and user-defined classes, which is good. Note that multimethods are still used to populate the built-in classes, e.g. int.__add__() is created as a function object that dispatches to one of the add__Int_Xxx() functions. So basically every complex meta-class magic works just fine in PyPy now :-) Credits in alphabetical order: Holger, me, Michael, Samuele. * Samuele and Alex (and Holger on tests) implemented the package import system. * On the translator side, Anders and myself worked on code generation: it can produce things like classes with methods on them. Then Anders cleaned it up a lot and refactored the corresponding files and tests. Holger helped here too. * Anna worked on documentation. * We considered the unittest-to-utest switch a couple of time. utest seems ready now. At the end of the second week Laura and Jacob started working on an automatic translation tool for all our test_*.py files. Laura seems to have almost finished it by now. * Michael and Holger have put an (optional) HTTP server in PyPy, to handle these long tracebacks in a browser. I think it is still waiting for improvement. * A lot of small things went fixed all along the sprint, notaby by trying to run PyPy on top of itself. * Holger moved 'class complex' into __builtin__module.py. * Alex, Holger, Michael: String formatting ( % ) is done by PyPy now; I think it's not entierely complete yet. * Laura worked a bit more on her tool to figure out what exactly is missing but present in CPython. * We now have real CPython-ish hash-tables as dictionaries. Thanks Michael. * A nice feature (XXX mention it somewhere) is that on the PyPy prompt, Ctrl-C sends you to a CPython prompt in which you can play with PyPy at interp-level. All app-level names 'x' are available under 'w_x' names, i.e. the same name with a 'w_' prefix, and of course there is a 'space'. * Holger, Michael: operator module in pure Python. [However, Michael, let me point out that 'operator.add(2,3)' fails currently -- all of them do. staticmethods are not callable.] Sorry if I missed something above the "detail" level, or someone's due credits. This list was built by scanning through the svn checkin messages. A bientôt, Armin.

Armin Rigo <arigo@tunes.org> writes:
Argh. Probably not too hard to fix, though... Cheers, mwh -- There are 'infinite' number of developed artifacts and one cannot develop appreciation for them all. It would be all right to not understand something, but it would be imbecilic to put judgements on things one don't understand. -- Xah, comp.lang.lisp

Armin Rigo <arigo@tunes.org> writes:
Argh. Probably not too hard to fix, though... Cheers, mwh -- There are 'infinite' number of developed artifacts and one cannot develop appreciation for them all. It would be all right to not understand something, but it would be imbecilic to put judgements on things one don't understand. -- Xah, comp.lang.lisp
participants (2)
Armin Rigo
Michael Hudson