Re: [pypy-dev] talk needed at europython

Armin Rigo <> writes:
I'm not sure. I've registered for the conference and booked accomodation for the maximum time you can on the conference website.
A PyPy track on EuroPython would be needed indeed. If no other comment comes up I'll officially submit one for Michael's language track.
Please do. Details can be filled in/changed outright later on. Cheers, mwh -- I don't remember any dirty green trousers. -- Ian Jackson,

At 09:45 26.04.2004 +0100, Michael Hudson wrote:
looking here it seems that possibility is not there anymore. Anyway starting as early as the sprint was not an official possibility. For sure I will register for the conference before the early-bird finish but I have no accomodation at the momement.

[Samuele Pedroni Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 01:35:59PM +0200]
For sure I will register for the conference before the early-bird finish but I have no accomodation at the momement.
same here. I guess when the first two/four people know their starting date then we should just book the first room for a long time period. Please everbody use and update: I got some feedback from Christian, Alex, Laura, Jacob but they haven't registered at the SprintAttendants page which would be very helpful ... please everybody interested so far sign up there ... Of course, we still need to do a full announcement for the sprint that goes at least to europython, and python-dev lists. I'll probably have some more time the next days and can draft up something after talking to some people on IRC or so ... But, most importantly, please note that unlike with all our previous sprints we don't have a local person yet that helps us to determine organization/accomodation details. I guess that Laura and Jacob are and will be pretty busy ... but maybe they can point us to a person that can help with the local organization? (it's just *so* much easier than trying to prepare things from a foreign country) cheers, holger

holger krekel <> writes:
Laura and Jacob are currently in the states either dealing with or recovering from icky legal matters. I think they'll be back about the 4th of May. Cheers, mwh -- I don't remember any dirty green trousers. -- Ian Jackson,

holger krekel wrote:
You need to be in a hurry as people will be booking accomodation and do the registration before the early bird registration deadline, saturday. They'll also be booking flights if they haven't already. I for instance just booked 8 flights for the Infrae people, so my stay in Sweden is set (I arrive sunday before conference, leave friday evening after conference).
Actually Dario on the EuroPython list is trying to organize sprint rooms but he doesn't seem to hear from *you* guys. We have a EuroPython mailing list. He's complaining he needs more info. Please go to the list if you have questions about anything to do with the conference. :) Regards, Martijn

At 09:45 26.04.2004 +0100, Michael Hudson wrote:
looking here it seems that possibility is not there anymore. Anyway starting as early as the sprint was not an official possibility. For sure I will register for the conference before the early-bird finish but I have no accomodation at the momement.

[Samuele Pedroni Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 01:35:59PM +0200]
For sure I will register for the conference before the early-bird finish but I have no accomodation at the momement.
same here. I guess when the first two/four people know their starting date then we should just book the first room for a long time period. Please everbody use and update: I got some feedback from Christian, Alex, Laura, Jacob but they haven't registered at the SprintAttendants page which would be very helpful ... please everybody interested so far sign up there ... Of course, we still need to do a full announcement for the sprint that goes at least to europython, and python-dev lists. I'll probably have some more time the next days and can draft up something after talking to some people on IRC or so ... But, most importantly, please note that unlike with all our previous sprints we don't have a local person yet that helps us to determine organization/accomodation details. I guess that Laura and Jacob are and will be pretty busy ... but maybe they can point us to a person that can help with the local organization? (it's just *so* much easier than trying to prepare things from a foreign country) cheers, holger

holger krekel <> writes:
Laura and Jacob are currently in the states either dealing with or recovering from icky legal matters. I think they'll be back about the 4th of May. Cheers, mwh -- I don't remember any dirty green trousers. -- Ian Jackson,

holger krekel wrote:
You need to be in a hurry as people will be booking accomodation and do the registration before the early bird registration deadline, saturday. They'll also be booking flights if they haven't already. I for instance just booked 8 flights for the Infrae people, so my stay in Sweden is set (I arrive sunday before conference, leave friday evening after conference).
Actually Dario on the EuroPython list is trying to organize sprint rooms but he doesn't seem to hear from *you* guys. We have a EuroPython mailing list. He's complaining he needs more info. Please go to the list if you have questions about anything to do with the conference. :) Regards, Martijn
participants (5)
holger krekel
Jacob Hallén
Martijn Faassen
Michael Hudson
Samuele Pedroni