Beatrice During wrote: referring to your email
and our phone call from Monday. After all, I am asking you for help. I tried to get something final ready with a lot of effort. Actually, I spent much more hours on this than necessary. The problem is that there are some open ends which are not really clear. I planned to ask you for some assistance on Monday, but then failed to do it. Going to do it now, to short-cut efforts a bit, and to get a more realistic result. Currently, I have created a couple of ReST documents, which more or less resemble the given OOo template. I also created OOo stub documents which are able to import some rendered HTML versions of ReST in a half-automated way. This is all halfway imperfect or perfect, depending on POV. For me it is imperfect, because the problem is not well-defined. Problem is that the template document has a) some formatting properties which are hard or not directly possible to model with ReST, but I don't know how relevant this is and if I need to support it, b) has no real content, so I don't know what the real problems will be that I have to solve for the final documents. My problem is further to decide what to to in an automated way and what to declare as some hand editing needed to be done on the final document. Ideally, a single transformation would do it all, but this is quite involved and beyond scope of the task. You could help me very much on drawing the decisions and to come up with a most simple solution this way: - Please, take the existing .sxw template document as it is, and use it to write the piece of information you wanted to write. Fill in the WP related info as it should be. - change its formatting as you see fit. Check if the regular sections like table of contents, listing of participants, and abbreviations used throughout the document are in the shape that we really need and want, and adjust accordingly. - make the document a final document, regardless whether the content is final, but really fill it with the actual stuff, including all possible problems like footnotes, tables and cross-references which might occur, and maybe additional sections which are to be repeated for other documents. Simply *use* the framework in a typical, non-trivial way. - replace the yet unspecified topic, deliverable, WP information and other systematic stuff placeholders with real information, and reference it in exactly the same way if it needs to be referenced in the document. Augment systematic information which might not have been foreseen, yet. This would give me very good input to figure out what is to be parameterized via ReST, and what is just a repeated block of text, which I can either generate from a ReST include, or that can be put into the template OOo document in the first place. What I'm intending to do is to take your document, split it into per WP/deliverable individual pieces which go into the ReST text, and into re-used text blocks which just stay in the template, with no or just little parameterization. So I will generate your ReST source document from your OOo document! I will then set up a procedure as simple as possible (but no simpler) to produce a final PDF document from this. There may or may not be a persistent Open Office document involved at all, I will see what is actually needed. You will anyway get a ReST document back for review ASAP, and we'll have a chance for some interaction on this until we reach coherence. Summary: -------- You could be very helpful by just using the given template, turn it into a real document with some content, and giving it the final shape that you think would be appropriate. Please adjust the given tables according to your use-case, see if the page footers and headers are really like they should be, use the needed features which were not used in the content-less template, so I get a feeling about what I need to expose to the writer of the document and what can be defined in a fixed manner, somewhere (probably in a stub). The content of this doc does not need to be final or complete. It would just be great if it would touch enough needed features like formatting, footnotes, references, left/right/center alignment of tables and text in tables, maybe including pictures, usage of maybe numbered enumerations, and things like column-widths of tables. I need to decide whether I can make use of table layouts stored inside the template, or whether to switch to the newly supported ReST table formatting,and to what extent. If you could focus on these matters and give me some nice doc, early, this would be very helpful. I can send back a transliterated version in a few hours and re-iterate the template. Summary of Summary: ------------------- Please make a document with the features you need and the design you like. Feel free to redefine all the styles as seems fit. This makes this task much easier to handle for me. Right now, I'm blocked because I have too many open questions and unresolved variables to become effective. All the best -- chris -- Christian Tismer :^) <mailto:tismer@stackless.com> tismerysoft GmbH : Have a break! 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Hi there I will do as you propose and send you a file you can use. I am sorry if I caused you lots of extra work due to an unspecified task! Cheers Bea On Fri, 30 Sep 2005, Christian Tismer wrote:
Beatrice Düring Change Maker Tel: 031- 7750940 Järntorget 3 Mobil: 0734- 22 89 06 413 04 Göteborg E-post: bea@changemaker.nu www.changemaker.nu "Alla dessa måsten och alldaglighet. Allt detta som binder vår verklighet i bojor av skam och rep utav tvång. Alla dessa kedjor som binder vår sång. Jag skall slita dem alla i små, små stycken och möjligtvis av resterna göra mig smycken." - hemlig

Hi there I will do as you propose and send you a file you can use. I am sorry if I caused you lots of extra work due to an unspecified task! Cheers Bea On Fri, 30 Sep 2005, Christian Tismer wrote:
Beatrice Düring Change Maker Tel: 031- 7750940 Järntorget 3 Mobil: 0734- 22 89 06 413 04 Göteborg E-post: bea@changemaker.nu www.changemaker.nu "Alla dessa måsten och alldaglighet. Allt detta som binder vår verklighet i bojor av skam och rep utav tvång. Alla dessa kedjor som binder vår sång. Jag skall slita dem alla i små, små stycken och möjligtvis av resterna göra mig smycken." - hemlig
participants (2)
Beatrice During
Christian Tismer