Hi! I'm working on branch 2.5-features and trying to translate pypy-c. Probably some of the changes I made are not RPython and the translator crashes. Some of theses changes I've already found and fixed, but now I can't find out how to fix this error (traceback http://paste.pocoo.org/show/82666/). The traceback points to checkFlag() in pyassem.py, but it's identical to trunk. I've written some code that uses this method (visitImport() and visitFrom() in pycodegen.py). I don't know much about the translator. Does anyone have any idea about what's wrong? Thanks, -- Bruno Fialho Marques Gola <brunogola@gmail.com> http://www.brunogola.com.br Cel: (11) 9294-5883

Sorry, the right traceback: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/82667/ Anyway, mwhudson pointed that it's maybe a bug in checkFlag() (that wasn't called until now). It returns 1 or None. Trying to translate again. -- Bruno Fialho Marques Gola <brunogola@gmail.com> http://www.brunogola.com.br Cel: (11) 9294-5883 On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 12:49 AM, Bruno Gola <brunogola@gmail.com> wrote:

Bruno Gola wrote:
checkFlag was rather silly, it should just return a boolean, but it returned 1 or None, which isn't possible in RPython. I changed it. There are more problems along the lines of the first problem you had, maybe I'll fix those if I have time. Cheers, Carl Friedrich

Sorry, the right traceback: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/82667/ Anyway, mwhudson pointed that it's maybe a bug in checkFlag() (that wasn't called until now). It returns 1 or None. Trying to translate again. -- Bruno Fialho Marques Gola <brunogola@gmail.com> http://www.brunogola.com.br Cel: (11) 9294-5883 On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 12:49 AM, Bruno Gola <brunogola@gmail.com> wrote:

Bruno Gola wrote:
checkFlag was rather silly, it should just return a boolean, but it returned 1 or None, which isn't possible in RPython. I changed it. There are more problems along the lines of the first problem you had, maybe I'll fix those if I have time. Cheers, Carl Friedrich
participants (2)
Bruno Gola
Carl Friedrich Bolz