Hi iko, we just had a #pypy discussion about setting up a benchmarks web page and I was told that you already have started some work in that direction, so it would be great to coordinate each other because I intend to implement the visualization part. (to all others that attended the chat, feel free to correct me on any point I do not correctly adress) (and to all others that did NOT attend, feel free to make suggestions :) We agreed on a Django DB backend, and plot rendering by the browser, so we need to talk about the way to store the nightly benchmark data into the DB. The end goal is to build a speed.pypy.org where you can compare all kind of pypy versions to cpython and other python interpreters and other languages in a similar vein to http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/u32q/benchmark.php?test=all&lang=java&lang2=python&box=1(but not a copy of). As a fist step we should adress the main interest right now: pypy performance evolution through trunk revisions. Can you please explain to me what you are doing in that area now? Best regards, Miquel
participants (1)
Miquel Torres