A question about RPython's JIT in scheduler

Mr. Bolz, Hello, I’m a master student in Japan and this is the second time that I send a mail to you. :) Recently I’m implementing an Erlang interpreter by RPython, and I just have added a scheduler to my interpreter to simulate the multi-process in single-core. I compared two version of my interpreter, one has a scheduler, and one doesn’t, and I’m very surprised to find that there was only a very little overhead for the scheduler mechanism, in my benchmark it was only 3%. In my implementation, the scheduler has a run able queue, whose element is a tuple of an object which has a function for dispatch loop, a program counter and a reference to the Erlang byte code. While doing scheduling, the scheduler just dequeue an element from the run able queue, call the function for dispatch loop, the loop which only run for a limited time, and the scheduler will enqueue the element (tuple of object with dispatch loop, program counter and reference to the Erlang byte code) to the run able queue again. So in my opinion, it may be a trouble for JIT’s work because the dispatch loop is not always continuing, from the view of scheduler, the dispatch loop will run only a limited time of iterations, then be suspended, and resumed, and suspended again and so on. I think it may cause the JIT hard to do profiling, and I have no idea if the complied native code from JIT can be reuse when the dispatch loop resumed, either. From the benchmark I run I guess there may be some special cares taken to hold this situation, (actually I have also compared the JIT log generated for the two versions of interpreter below, it seemed quite similar at most of cases) so I’m just curious about how the JIT actually do under a scheduler? How does JIT overcome the trouble in this discontinuous environment? Best Regards, Ruochen Huang

Hi, For future reference: we discussed this question on IRC yesterday, Feb 4th (see logs). Let me repeat here the main answer: the JIT works well because you're using a scheme where some counter is decremented (and the soft-thread interrupted when it reaches zero) only once in each app-level loop. The soft-thread switch is done by returning to some scheduler, which will resume a different soft-thread by calling it. It means the JIT can still compile each of the loops as usual, with the generated machine code containing the decrease-and-check-for-zero operation which, when true, exits the assembler. A bientôt, Armin.

Hi, For future reference: we discussed this question on IRC yesterday, Feb 4th (see logs). Let me repeat here the main answer: the JIT works well because you're using a scheme where some counter is decremented (and the soft-thread interrupted when it reaches zero) only once in each app-level loop. The soft-thread switch is done by returning to some scheduler, which will resume a different soft-thread by calling it. It means the JIT can still compile each of the loops as usual, with the generated machine code containing the decrease-and-check-for-zero operation which, when true, exits the assembler. A bientôt, Armin.
participants (2)
Armin Rigo