Re: [pypy-dev] Re: Base Object library (was: stdobjspace status)

In a message of Thu, 27 Feb 2003 17:23:44 +0100, Stephan Diehl writes:
Yes. I wrote this, but only sent it to Armin because I thought it was too long and maybe it was wrong too. It is Still too long. Apologies. Laura Is it possible that this misunderstanding is all about naming? I am getting the impression that Stephan and Christian are looking for some basic fundamental types, the foundation of the system, to build things out of. And Armin is saying that there aren't any types, just behaviours of object spaces. This is strongly reminding me of what happened to the physicists when they started looking for 'the elementary building blocks of matter'. Once you get to sub-atomic particles, you end up with a mess to think about. When Dirac discovered the positron, and anti-matter, suddenly you could no longer think of things as being made out of smaller things any more. A hydrogen atom is usually a proton and an electron. But it might temporarily be 1 proton, 2 electrons, and one positron. This made all the physicists go -eep-. What's Hydrogen? Something that behaves like Hydrogen, it seems :-). Time passes, and quantum dynamics is created/discovered. But the deep problem remains. Werner Heisenberg calls this the 'problem of physical content vs mathematical form'. He said that the problem is embedded in the language we use to think. Maybe we have a language problem too. We shouldn't have called it the StdObjSpace. Instead we should have called it the C_like_familiar_ObjSpace. It represents one way to implement an Object Space, and it has the desirable property that it is like the one we know. But we could eventually make as many of these as we like (though only a few of them are a good idea now, or we will confuse everybody even more than we are confusing ourselves now.) But I am now thiking of an ObjectSpace as, not a thing, but a collection of behaviours. And you can specify the behaviours. In particular, we can specify what behaviour is required in an Compliant Object Space, where Compliant is now defined as 'runs C python code and gets the same result as C python'. All of the spaces that do this will be equal to each other in some sense, though some will be more useful, and fun than others. We could make 2 that are exactly the same except for, for instance, the list implementation, which is one way to test that we have our ideas ok. Or one that does integers the way that we are used to, and one that does them this new way that Stephan proposes. Then, we can call the set of all Object Spaces that are Compliant, the StdObjSpaces.( <-- see the s) . But the idea is not to make too many of them, because what we need is a proof of concept that our idea of breaking out the object spaces into their own idea, and dispatching on that works, not the best StdObjSpace implementation. The best one will be determined by things like 'can Armin and Christian make it go _really fast_, which is something we aren't supposed to be thinking about now. (Though its hard not to sometimes. :-) ) (We can then make non-compliant objectspaces if we like. I mustn't think about that either :-). Thus what we need are experimental specifications, in the form of unit tests, to measure whether a given objectspace is 'standard' or not -- in other words, does it comply with C Python. We aren't looking for better bits to build our space out of, we are looking for better ways to know if our space produces the correct behaviours. Laura

Yes. I wrote this, but only sent it to Armin because I thought it was too long and maybe it was wrong too. It is Still too long. Apologies.
It's neither too long nor wrong. Anyway, if anybody would write only something if it's supposed to be the absolute thruth, we might run into some severe problems :-) The exciting thing about this whole project is the fact that it's not set yet and things can be discussed.
Yes, that's it. [...]
After all, StdObjSpace seems fine since it should contain something that behaves like standard python objects.
Definatelly. At least the unittests for intobject and floatobject are doing exactly this (but then this is easy, because both xxxobjects are just wrappers of Pythons originals). We probably have to resort to string representations of the results and compare them with Python originals.

Laura Creighton wrote: [snipped almost all, totally agreed]
My problem is simply that we are too abstract for my taste, yet. I'd like to build abstraction with concrete implementation at the same time, because I need a proof of concept, early. What I need is one long line from the very upper levels, which I like very much, down to the primitive code that *really* implements it in some way not les efficient that CPython. I need t get my "environment definitions", to be able to work on that ground level. But I agree that we shouldn't stick with only repeating CPython, so there is a need for different abstraction levels, which are maybe missing in the current picture. cheers - chris -- Christian Tismer :^) <> Mission Impossible 5oftware : Have a break! Take a ride on Python's Johannes-Niemeyer-Weg 9a : *Starship* 14109 Berlin : PGP key -> work +49 30 89 09 53 34 home +49 30 802 86 56 pager +49 173 24 18 776 PGP 0x57F3BF04 9064 F4E1 D754 C2FF 1619 305B C09C 5A3B 57F3 BF04 whom do you want to sponsor today?

Yes. I wrote this, but only sent it to Armin because I thought it was too long and maybe it was wrong too. It is Still too long. Apologies.
It's neither too long nor wrong. Anyway, if anybody would write only something if it's supposed to be the absolute thruth, we might run into some severe problems :-) The exciting thing about this whole project is the fact that it's not set yet and things can be discussed.
Yes, that's it. [...]
After all, StdObjSpace seems fine since it should contain something that behaves like standard python objects.
Definatelly. At least the unittests for intobject and floatobject are doing exactly this (but then this is easy, because both xxxobjects are just wrappers of Pythons originals). We probably have to resort to string representations of the results and compare them with Python originals.

Laura Creighton wrote: [snipped almost all, totally agreed]
My problem is simply that we are too abstract for my taste, yet. I'd like to build abstraction with concrete implementation at the same time, because I need a proof of concept, early. What I need is one long line from the very upper levels, which I like very much, down to the primitive code that *really* implements it in some way not les efficient that CPython. I need t get my "environment definitions", to be able to work on that ground level. But I agree that we shouldn't stick with only repeating CPython, so there is a need for different abstraction levels, which are maybe missing in the current picture. cheers - chris -- Christian Tismer :^) <> Mission Impossible 5oftware : Have a break! Take a ride on Python's Johannes-Niemeyer-Weg 9a : *Starship* 14109 Berlin : PGP key -> work +49 30 89 09 53 34 home +49 30 802 86 56 pager +49 173 24 18 776 PGP 0x57F3BF04 9064 F4E1 D754 C2FF 1619 305B C09C 5A3B 57F3 BF04 whom do you want to sponsor today?
participants (3)
Christian Tismer
Laura Creighton
Stephan Diehl