0.9 release meeting 11AM (GMT+2)

Hi folks, today at 11AM (GMT+2) we'll meet on #pypy-release for a meeting regarding the upcoming 0.9 release Topics will be: * extension compiler * stackless features * (high level backends / snapshot of work) * logic/constraint works * feature freeze (branching off?) * documentation about all this and whatever we decide to be relevant for it. best, holger

hpk@trillke.net (holger krekel) writes:
Hi folks,
today at 11AM (GMT+2) we'll meet on #pypy-release for a meeting regarding the upcoming 0.9 release
Here's an attempt at a summary of the current status and current plans for work before the release. Our original plan called for a release branch to be made tomorrow night. This now seems rather too early, and we're aiming for makint branch on Monday evening instead. The release is still planned for Thursday. If anyone between now and the 0.9 release commits code that breaks translation, it gets reverted. Please don't :)
* extension compiler
The status is that it works, apart from four things: * it doesn't support modules that have an app-level component properly * you can't define "special methods" (__add__, etc) on exported types * you can't test the mixed module on top of cpython * documenation. We decided that the second of these is not that important at this stage, but the others need work. Armin is going to work on it today, at least. Armin is going to take overall responsibility for this item.
* stackless features
The main problem with this item is that the status is that we don't know what the status is :( We need a way of running tests with a pypy-c and more tests to run. There are three subtopics: * tasklet cloning * tasklet pickling * exposing features to applications. A while ago I promised to play with exposed tasklet cloning to app level; various stupid mistakes on my part, a lot of distractions and the fact that stacklessgc builds take ages mean I'm not done yet, but I'm getting there. We still think tasklet pickling is working, but given the lack of tests, it's hard to be sure (see above). The exposing of app level features to applications is roughly speaking done, but needs more tests (see above). Hogler had hoped to work on running tests with pypy-c but may not be able to. Michael and him will discuss approaches and one of them will implement something by tomorrow, allowing Eric, Stephan, me, Carl and possibly some others to write tests over the weekend or next week. Michael and Samuele will coordinate this issue.
* (high level backends / snapshot of work)
We'd like to have some kind of preview and documentation of a high level backend in the 0.9 release, which basically means the CLI backend. Unfornuately "Mr. CLI Backend, Antonio, has exams this and next week and so he doesn't have much time to work on this. Nevertheless, him and Armin will confer and decide on a practical approach -- some integration of the CLI backend into translatorshell.py and driver.py and a section in getting-started seem like a resonable target. Armin will coordinate this issue.
* logic/constraint works
It would be nice to have a translatable logic object space in 0.9, but this is a lot of work and isn't going to happen in time. It more or less works on top of py.py though, so we'll settle for making it work properly on py.py (Carl) and writing some documentation (Anders). The documentation was promised by Tuesday night. Anders and Carl will coordinate this issue.
* feature freeze (branching off?)
As discussed above, aiming for Monday night.
* documentation about all this
A certain amount of discussion about documentation took place while talking about the above items, and in general the person responsible for coordinating an item is responsible for the docs for that item too. In addition, I promised to review translation.txt (which is now rather out of date) and Arre, with Armin's help, promised to document rctypes. There was an additional item: * general stability that got mentioned at the end of the meeting. We've now fixed _most_ of the problems that running CPython's test suite with pypy-c revealed, but there are issues around the area of very large (i.e. close to LONG_MAX) allocations. It's not clear what we can get done about this before 0.9, but hopefully we can clear most of them up. Cheers, mwh -- To summarise the summary of the summary:- people are a problem. -- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 12

Hi, Here is an update: On Thu, Jun 15, 2006 at 03:36:20PM +0100, Michael Hudson wrote:
* extension compiler
* it doesn't support modules that have an app-level component properly * you can't define "special methods" (__add__, etc) on exported types * you can't test the mixed module on top of cpython * documenation.
I finished this, apart from the "special methods" item.
Arre, with Armin's help, promised to document rctypes.
I collected the existing documentation, and removed bits that are out-of-date design documents. It's now all in pypy/doc/rctypes.txt. It could probably do with some completing or polishing. A bientot, Armin
participants (3)
Armin Rigo
Michael Hudson