Re: [pypy-dev] supporting new libraries

Hi, i personally have made quite bad experice with swig and mostly not so good with most bindings generators so far. recently i found and found the quality of the the generator really a good starting point; also that it uses gccxml for itrospection for auto generated bindings removes a lot of pain :-) i started making me thoughts to refactor pybindgen to generate not only python wrappers ( i need lua wrappers sometimes, too). While beeing at it i thought, why not use it to generate pypy wrapping code, too. So python_c is just another target same as pypy. maybe some code can be shared between such same language, different interpreter backends. maybe the frontend could be abstracted a bit, too. so if someone writes a defs parser the gtk python definitions could be used and only the overloaded functions need customizations, same goes for the qt4 sip stuff i think. what do you think ? kindly regards poelzi PS: sorry for breaking the thread, i just subscribed :-)
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