Duesseldorf Sprint Report Days 1-4

Hi pypy-dev! So we're sitting in the geography^Wcomputer science department of Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf, the alleged employers of Armin and Michael, and (also alleged) educator of Carl. We've been doing the usual sprinty things of drinking beer, getting up late, going to bed even later (and so still not really getting much sleep) and hacking. An early task was finishing off the mostly complete weakref support. After drawing an extremely confusing diagram: http://codespeak.net/~mwh/blackboard.jpg Carl and Arre realized that there were a few strange cases that our model cannot support (in the case of a object and a weakref-with-callback to the same object both being in the same trash cycle, it is unclear whether the callback will be called). We plan to deal with this by calling anyone who claims to care insane. They then looked at getting CPython's test_weakref to run (something that's been on the "that would be nice" list for a looong time). This uncovered an amusing problem, a result of three facts: 1. the conservative Boehm collector cannot distinguish between a pointer and an integer that happens to have the same bit pattern as the pointer (this is what is meant by "conservative"). 2. the hash of a weakref object is the hash of the referenced object. 3. the default hash of a Python instance is it's id, which is usually the memory address cast to an int. This made weakref.WeakKeyDictionary rather poorly named. This was fixed by changing the id when using Boehm; the pointer is cast to an integer and then bitwise complemented. Accidentally, this means that that this: bool(id(object()) & 1) is now a check for pypy-c linked with the Boehm GC (use this fact with care). After solving the weak-keys-are-strong problem and adding a few calls to gc.collect() to CPython's test_weakref (to give Boehm a hurry up), test_weakref now passes. This leads on to the work that Anders and Holger did during the first day of the sprint: improving PyPy's "compliance score": http://codespeak.net/~hpk/pypy-testresult/ After a couple of months of relative neglect, this measure of how accurately we implement CPython's behaviour had slipped to around 80%. After fixing a few problems with the new interp-level implementation of the complex type and the above weakref work, we are back well over 95%. Michael helped Samuele remember exactly what he was thinking of in a branch that previously had only been the subject of hacking in the small hours of the night before his vacation. The goal of the nocturnal head bashing was to introduce the concept of an "explicit resume point" in an RPython program: a named, arbitrary location in the code and a way of transferring control to that point together with values for all live local variables. For example: def f(x, y, z): r = x + y rstack.resume_point("rp_f", r, z) return r + z defines a resume point called "rp_f" and records that the values of r and z must be supplied when the state is jumped to, like so: state = rstack.resume_state_create(None, "rp_f", 3, 4) result = rstack.resume_state_invoke(state) Something like this is a necessary piece in the puzzle that is implementing tasklet pickling, or more properly tasklet unpickling. This was a nice illustration of the "build one to throw away" concept: we were able to see that what Samuele had implemented as one operation really needed to be implemented as two (resume_state_create and resume_state_invoke in the above examples), and the rest of the coding only required moderate amounts of head bashing. By this morning, they had written a test that manually copied a (interp-level) coroutine, which validates the approach to at least some extent. You can also use explicit resume points to write some extremely confusing programs (as we discovered by mistake when debugging). The other major pieces of the tasklet pickling puzzle are being able to pickle and unpickle the core interpreter types such as frames, generators, tracebacks, ..., placing enough explicit resume points in the source of the Standard Interpreter to be able to resume a pickled tasklet and integration of the various pieces. Christian and Eric (working remotely; he arrives in Duesseldorf today) worked on the pickling and unpickling of interpreter types and have now implemented this for enough types that we now have no real option but to face the scary task of making something useful. For the last couple of days, the attention of Holger, Armin (still recovering from the 'flu, that's why we haven't mentioned him yet), Arre and a bit of Carl have been focussed on the elusive "ext-compiler": a tool designed to take an RPython module in a form suitable for making an "extension" for PyPy and translating it into an efficient extension module for CPython. This would clearly already be useful for purely algorithmic code, but the new-ish rctypes package of PyPy allows it to be used for modules that wrap an external library. While most of the basic technology is present for this, the tool is still far too rough to be unleashed even on unsuspecting Summer of Code students, never mind mere humans. Holger and Arre fleshed out ideas for how to build a more usable interface and wrote some documentation explaining this interface (who said open source projects are rubbish at documentation?). Armin began implementing support for typedefs, i.e. exposing custom types in the module interface, but ran into a small army of confusing levels of abstraction, which shift around as soon as you aren't staring at them. We're sure they're no match for Armin's planet-sized [#]_ brain though :) .. [#] http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-January/032600.html While some of the above work involved much discussion and occasional voluminous cursing, two or three people have been sitting in the corner muttering about strange things like "ootypes" and "dot-net" and "javaskript", as well as producing a stream of high quality checkins (most of them have the log message "More ootypesystem tests", though). PyPy semi-regular Nik and newcomers and Summer of Code participants Antonio and Maciej worked on the ootypesystem backends, fixing many bugs and implementing new features, to the point that the richards and rpystone benchmarks can be run using the llinterpreter (now increasingly badly named; rinterpreter would prooooobably be better, but would have other unhelpful connotations). They couldn't run these benchmarks without a small modification: removing the print at the end that tells you how fast they ran (running things on the llinterpreter is so horrendously slow that this doesn't defeat the point of the excercise as you might at first think). The problem with printing is that it involves calling an external function, something that was not at all supported in the ootypesystem's world. So they decided to fix that :) And they did. Maciej also worked on the newer, ootype-using version of Javascript backend, and can now write python programs which bounce bub-n-bros characters around a browser window. This was a good way of getting Armin's attention :) Pozdrawiam, mwh & Carl Friedrich -- "Well, the old ones go Mmmmmbbbbzzzzttteeeeeep as they start up and the new ones go whupwhupwhupwhooopwhooooopwhooooooommmmmmmmmm." -- Graham Reed explains subway engines on asr
participants (1)
Michael Hudson