Re: [pypy-dev] i just had the book FLOWS reccomeenmded to me

Interesting reply. I doubt that we are in great disagreement here. My question "why ask why" was meant to convey that we needn't get too concerned about what other people do: there is little we can do about it anyway. Another reason I'm not too concerned about the question is that I think most people are creative in ways that may not be apparent to the casual observer. Perhaps we have slightly different views of the "scale" of creativity. In my view, there is potential for creativity almost everywhere, including in the "long, careful, systematic, painstaking, often-boring and always-tiring work, implied by that 99% of perspiration." In my own work, the "big aha" happened 9 years ago, and it took about 10 minutes of using a prototype (The MORE outliner) to see that a programming style based on outlines would work. That programming style has remained almost unchanged ever since. Was that the end of creativity? I don't think so! There is lots of room for creativity in "dotting the i's". In fact, I think this is where almost all creativity is. It's not particularly glamorous, and it _is_ real creativity. Again, I doubt we are in much disagreement. Alex, surely your life must be highly creative, even if most of it seems like "perspiration" :-) I wasn't trying to dismiss people who aren't creative; I was trying to dismiss worrying about whether people are creative or not. Edward -------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward K. Ream email: Leo: Literate Editor with Outlines Leo: --------------------------------------------------------------------

On Tuesday 13 April 2004 04:36 pm, Edward K. Ream wrote:
OK -- but I don't see it as "their _problem_", see.
We may indeed be talking at cross-purposes wrt the very definition of "creativity". I have clarified in my last message what I mean by it (and I think that's quite a widespread meaning...) -- inventing new stuff (including new ways of doing things) rather than applying existing ideas, criteria, rules. Would you want a "creative accountant" keeping your books? At least, if you suspected a strict audit was likely to be coming?-)
Clearly we do disagree about the word itself. I would not WANT a judge to display creativity. When I enter a local restaurant and order tagliatelle al ragu`, I don't want any creativity either -- I want tagliatelle and ragu` sauce made _exactly_ according to the classic local recipe (I can get creativity in my food when I'm in Gothenburg, if my wallet can stand it;-). You may choose to claim that there is creativity in exactly and meticulously applying invariant accounting procedures, laws, or recipes, but I think you'd be stretching the word.
Again, I doubt we are in much disagreement. Alex, surely your life must be highly creative, even if most of it seems like "perspiration" :-) I wasn't
By your definition, which I'm only guessing at, it may be. But then I wonder whose _isn't_;-).
trying to dismiss people who aren't creative; I was trying to dismiss worrying about whether people are creative or not.
OK, if we can't agree about what the word means, then ceasing to apply it does seem advisable!-) Alex

On Tuesday 13 April 2004 04:36 pm, Edward K. Ream wrote:
OK -- but I don't see it as "their _problem_", see.
We may indeed be talking at cross-purposes wrt the very definition of "creativity". I have clarified in my last message what I mean by it (and I think that's quite a widespread meaning...) -- inventing new stuff (including new ways of doing things) rather than applying existing ideas, criteria, rules. Would you want a "creative accountant" keeping your books? At least, if you suspected a strict audit was likely to be coming?-)
Clearly we do disagree about the word itself. I would not WANT a judge to display creativity. When I enter a local restaurant and order tagliatelle al ragu`, I don't want any creativity either -- I want tagliatelle and ragu` sauce made _exactly_ according to the classic local recipe (I can get creativity in my food when I'm in Gothenburg, if my wallet can stand it;-). You may choose to claim that there is creativity in exactly and meticulously applying invariant accounting procedures, laws, or recipes, but I think you'd be stretching the word.
Again, I doubt we are in much disagreement. Alex, surely your life must be highly creative, even if most of it seems like "perspiration" :-) I wasn't
By your definition, which I'm only guessing at, it may be. But then I wonder whose _isn't_;-).
trying to dismiss people who aren't creative; I was trying to dismiss worrying about whether people are creative or not.
OK, if we can't agree about what the word means, then ceasing to apply it does seem advisable!-) Alex
participants (2)
Alex Martelli
Edward K. Ream