Hi everyone! First of all, thaks for your answers last time. Second of all, I need your help again. I'm coding an imperative version of my interpret and to do so, I coded continuations. I used a similat technique to the one used in the Prolog interpret you advised me to take a look at last time. I define a serie of class all inheriting from a simulated-abstract Contk class. Every class has a method apply which contains instruction for what's next to do. All these methods take the same arguments and (except in one case) return the same kind of tuple. The interpret function uses 4 variables that are updated: expr, env, cont, val. Thus, the result of .apply(_,_,_,_) is the tuple for update. class Contk(object): def __init__(self,*arg): raise NotImplementedError("For abstract class") def apply(self,expr,env,val): raise NotImplementedError("For abstract class") class Endk(Contk): def __init__(self,val): self.val = val def apply(self,expr, env, val): return self.val class Idk(Contk): def __init__(self): pass def apply(self, expr, env, val): return expr, env, Endk(val), val There is a class for each continuation needed by the interpret. The trouble is, I get this error: [translation:ERROR] AnnotatorError': annotation of 'union' degenerated to SomeObject() [translation:ERROR] Simple call of incompatible family: [translation:ERROR] (KeyError getting at the binding!) [translation:ERROR] [translation:ERROR] In <FunctionGraph of (RPinterpretImperative:27)Idk.apply at 0x1b31be8>: [translation:ERROR] Happened at file RPinterpretImperative.py line 28 [translation:ERROR] [translation:ERROR] ==> return expr, env, Endk(val), val [translation:ERROR] [translation:ERROR] Previous annotation: [translation:ERROR] (none) [translation:ERROR] .. v0 = simple_call((classobj Endk), val_0) [translation:ERROR] .. '(RPinterpretImperative:27)Idk.apply' [translation:ERROR] Processing block: [translation:ERROR] block@12 is a <class 'pypy.objspace.flow.flowcontext.SpamBlock'> [translation:ERROR] in (RPinterpretImperative:27)Idk.apply [translation:ERROR] containing the following operations: [translation:ERROR] v0 = simple_call((classobj Endk), val_0) [translation:ERROR] v1 = newtuple(expr_0, env_0, v0, val_0) [translation:ERROR] --end-- So at first I thought it was due to tuple that would not accept newly created objects, but after a few tests, it appears that not. Then I tought the annotator couldn't realize by himself that returning an Endk object is the same as returning a Contk, so I annotated the whole file with assertion to force him to realize that my variable cont should be a Contk not any other kind of subclass, but it didn't work either. So I don't know what to do now. I've even tried to implement apply outside of the classes, or to make a function for each parameters returned, but nothing worked. You can find the source here : https://github.com/zebign1/RPython-internship/tree/master/Interpreters/ifF1W... (treeClass.py and parser.py as tools, the bugged file is RPinterpretImperative.py) Thanks again. Leonard

2012/6/25 Léonard de Haro <leonard.de.haro@ens.fr>
Even if RPython needs no explicit declaration, its constraints are similar to C++ or Java: overridden methods must have a compatible signature, arguments and return value. Here, Idk.apply returns a 4-tuple, whereas Endk returned a single value.
-- Amaury Forgeot d'Arc

Hi everyone, For those who don't remember, I'm an undergrad stutent doing an internship about writing textbook interpreters and turn them into JITing VMs using the pypy translation toolchaine. I'm facing a little problem I don't understand. I've written a version of my interpreter using Map as described in the paper Runtime feedback (http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2069181 ) to replace dictionnaries I used to use, but when I try to translate I get "assert v.concretetype is lltype.Void" Assertion Error I know this error, I already faced it and going into Pypy's code, I found out this was about the order of variables in jitdriver.jit_merge_point and jitdriver.can_enter_jit . Previously changing approprietly the order of variables solved the problem, but this time even bruteforcely testing every permutation didn't solve the problem and I'm stuck. If you could help, I'll be very grateful. You can find the file here: https://github.com/zebign1/RPython-internship/blob/master/Interpreters/ifF1W... Map implementation can be found in the file treeClass.py in the parent directory, all along with the parser file. Thanks for your help Leonard.

Hi Léonard, On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 9:52 PM, Léonard de Haro <leonard.de.haro@ens.fr> wrote:
"assert v.concretetype is lltype.Void" Assertion Error
After a bit of debugging, I found out that this is caused by the two variable "funMap" and "env" which are both known statically to be the EMPTY_MAP_ENV instance. It's a bug in PyPy that it causes such an obscure crash. It's also very likely to be a bug in your program, though. You would have found it immediately if you had tests (or less immediately if the translation finished and the program gave nonsense). If you really don't want to write tests, you should at least try to run the program directly on some reasonable examples before you try to translate it. A bientôt, Armin.

2012/6/25 Léonard de Haro <leonard.de.haro@ens.fr>
Even if RPython needs no explicit declaration, its constraints are similar to C++ or Java: overridden methods must have a compatible signature, arguments and return value. Here, Idk.apply returns a 4-tuple, whereas Endk returned a single value.
-- Amaury Forgeot d'Arc

Hi everyone, For those who don't remember, I'm an undergrad stutent doing an internship about writing textbook interpreters and turn them into JITing VMs using the pypy translation toolchaine. I'm facing a little problem I don't understand. I've written a version of my interpreter using Map as described in the paper Runtime feedback (http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2069181 ) to replace dictionnaries I used to use, but when I try to translate I get "assert v.concretetype is lltype.Void" Assertion Error I know this error, I already faced it and going into Pypy's code, I found out this was about the order of variables in jitdriver.jit_merge_point and jitdriver.can_enter_jit . Previously changing approprietly the order of variables solved the problem, but this time even bruteforcely testing every permutation didn't solve the problem and I'm stuck. If you could help, I'll be very grateful. You can find the file here: https://github.com/zebign1/RPython-internship/blob/master/Interpreters/ifF1W... Map implementation can be found in the file treeClass.py in the parent directory, all along with the parser file. Thanks for your help Leonard.

Hi Léonard, On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 9:52 PM, Léonard de Haro <leonard.de.haro@ens.fr> wrote:
"assert v.concretetype is lltype.Void" Assertion Error
After a bit of debugging, I found out that this is caused by the two variable "funMap" and "env" which are both known statically to be the EMPTY_MAP_ENV instance. It's a bug in PyPy that it causes such an obscure crash. It's also very likely to be a bug in your program, though. You would have found it immediately if you had tests (or less immediately if the translation finished and the program gave nonsense). If you really don't want to write tests, you should at least try to run the program directly on some reasonable examples before you try to translate it. A bientôt, Armin.
participants (3)
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
Armin Rigo
Léonard de Haro