Diagram of translation process

Hi pypy-dev, I got a bit bored yesterday and threw together a diagram that shows the various stages of the PyPy translation process. Look there: http://codespeak.net/~cfbolz/translation.pdf Regards, Carl Friedrich

Hi Carl, On Thu, May 26, 2005 at 15:26 +0200, Carl Friedrich Bolz wrote:
nice picture, i was thinking about something very similar today :-) It would be interesting to add translation aspects such as GC/threading. Hum, what do you think about adding a source-format file into pypy/documentation/image/ or something? (see https://codespeak.net/issue/pypy-dev/issue74 :-) cheers, holger

Hi Carl, On Thu, May 26, 2005 at 15:26 +0200, Carl Friedrich Bolz wrote:
nice picture, i was thinking about something very similar today :-) It would be interesting to add translation aspects such as GC/threading. Hum, what do you think about adding a source-format file into pypy/documentation/image/ or something? (see https://codespeak.net/issue/pypy-dev/issue74 :-) cheers, holger
participants (2)
Carl Friedrich Bolz