
September 2008

  • 60 participants
  • 78 discussions
PyCon 2009 (US) - Call for Tutorials
by Greg Lindstrom Sept. 18, 2008

Sept. 18, 2008
Wing IDE for Python v. 3.1.4 released
by Wingware Sept. 18, 2008

Sept. 18, 2008
ANN: bbfreeze 0.96.5
by Ralf Schmitt Sept. 18, 2008

Sept. 18, 2008
RELEASED Python 2.6rc2 and 3.0rc1
by Barry Warsaw Sept. 18, 2008

Sept. 18, 2008
PyCon 2009: Chicago, March 27-29
by Catherine Devlin Sept. 17, 2008

Sept. 17, 2008
Elisa Media Center 0.5.10 Release
by Florian Boucault Sept. 16, 2008

Sept. 16, 2008
RELEASED: The Python Replybot 5.0
by Barry Warsaw Sept. 16, 2008

Sept. 16, 2008
Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Sep 16)
by Gabriel Genellina Sept. 16, 2008

Sept. 16, 2008
GOZERBOT 0.8.2-BETA released
by Bart Thate Sept. 16, 2008

Sept. 16, 2008