Hello, Thought I'd announce a project I've been working on for some time. Aioli is a Framework for building RESTful HTTP and WebSocket APIs with asyncio. Its easy-to-use component system--built with an emphasis on portability and composability--offers a sensible separation of application logic, data access, and request/response layers. Some links. Framework Github repo: https://github.com/aioli-framework/aioli Documentation: https://docs.aioli.dev Extensions: https://github.com/aioli-framework/aioli-rdbms -- Mysql and Postgres support https://github.com/aioli-framework/aioli-openapi -- Generate OAS3 schemas using Aioli Route Handlers Fully functional (and quite comprehensive) RESTful HTTP API example: https://github.com/aioli-framework/aioli-guestbook-example Note that the project is still under development and lacks some features, documentation, and tests. Let me know if you have any questions, suggestions or such. -- Robert Wikman 0xf6feb506ae5d3762