What is akarsu? [akarsu](https://github.com/furkanonder/akarsu) is the New Generation Profiler based on [PEP 669](https://peps.python.org/pep-0669/). Installation pip install akarsu (It requires Python 3.12.0+ to run) Example Usage cat example.py
def foo(): x = 1 isinstance(x, int) return x
def bar(): foo()
akarsu -f example.py
Output: Count Event Type Filename(function) 1 PY_CALL example.py(bar) 1 PY_START example.py(bar) 1 PY_CALL example.py(foo) 1 PY_START example.py(foo) 1 C_CALL example.py(<built-in function isinstance>) 1 C_RETURN example.py(foo) 1 PY_RETURN example.py(foo) 1 PY_RETURN example.py(bar)
Total number of events: 8 PY_CALL = 2 PY_START = 2 PY_RETURN = 2 C_CALL = 1 C_RETURN = 1
The project page: https://github.com/furkanonder/akarsu Enjoy, Furkan Onder