Our program work group (WG) has been working hard over the last week to select sessions for EuroPython 2021, based on your talk voting and our diversity criteria. We’re now happy to announce the initial list with more than 100 sessions, brought to you by more than 100 speakers. * EuroPython 2021 Session List * https://ep2021.europython.eu/events/sessions/ More than 130 sessions ---------------------- In the coming weeks, we will complete the session list, adding keynotes, sponsored talks and training sessions. Once finalized, we expect to have more than 130 sessions waiting for, including three lightning talk slots, six keynotes, a recruiting session and several free sponsored training sessions. The program work group will start working on the schedule, which should be ready in about two weeks. Conference Tickets ------------------ Conference tickets are available on our registration page. We have several ticket types available to make the conference affordable for everyone and we're also offering financial aid to increase our reach even more. https://ep2021.europython.eu/registration/buy-tickets/ https://ep2021.europython.eu/registration/financial-aid/ As always, all proceeds from the conference will go into our grants budget, which we use to fund financial aid for the next EuroPython edition, special workshops and other European conferences and projects: * EuroPython Society Grants Program * https://www.europython-society.org/grants We hope to see lots of you at the conference in July. Rest assured that we’ll make this a great event again — even within the limitations of running the conference online. Quick Summary ------------- EuroPython 2021 will be run online from July 26 - August 1: - Two workshop/training days (July 26 - 27) - Three conference days (July 28 - 30) - Two sprint days (July 31 - August 1) The sessions will be scheduled to ensure they are also accessible for those in the Asian and Americas time zones. Help spread the word -------------------- Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social networks as widely as possible. Thank you ! Link to the blog post: https://blog.europython.eu/europython-2020-initial-session-list-available/ Tweet: https://twitter.com/europython/status/1399357596117708812 Enjoy, -- EuroPython 2021 Team https://ep2021.europython.eu/ https://www.europython-society.org/