I just released the first BETA of GOZERBOT version 0.9.2 Please test this release if you can. Best is to run of the mercurial repo: hg clone http://core.gozerbot.org/hg/dev/0.9 or run easy_install -U gozerbot gozerplugs (make sure there is no gozerbot dir in your working directory.) docs are at http://gozerbot.org/0.9.2 If you find any bugs you can report them at http://dev,gozerbot.org/ Have fun ! about GOZERBOT: GOZERBOT is a channel bot that aids with conversation in irc channels and jabber conference rooms. its mainly used to send notifications (RSS, nagios, etc.) and to have custom commands made for the channel. More then just a channel bot GOZERBOT aims to provide a platform for the user to program his own bot and make it into something thats usefull. This is done with a plugin structure that makes it easy to program your own plugins. But GOZERBOT comes with some batteries included, there are now over 100 plugins already written and ready for use.