This message is for folks who are currently receiving the the Python list traffic via python-list@cwi.nl or python-announce-list@cwi.nl, or would like to receive comp.lang.python or comp.lang.python.announce via email instead of Usenet. We are finally moving the mailing lists from cwi.nl to python.org. The lists at python.org will be managed by Mailman and will still be gatewayed to the Usenet newsgroups. We are not going to move people's subscriptions enmasse (yet). For the time being if you want to switch your subscription you should: 1) send an unsubscribe request to python-list-request@cwi.nl 2) Visit http://www.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list and fill out a subscription request (same goes for python-announce-list, just substitute `python-announce-list' for `python-list' above). At some point when the majority of people have moved over, and we've had the opportunity to stress the system with real traffic, we will move the remaining subscribers over to python.org, but we'll announce that before we do it. One advantage of moving to python-list@python.org is that you can set your Mailman subscription to deliver the messages in digests (MIME or `plain'). This is a nice middle ground between receiving the messages immediately as they are posted, and reading them via Usenet. Feel free to begin sending messages to the list via python-list@python.org. python-list@cwi.nl will become an alias for this new address. Enjoy, -Barry