We are happy to announce that we’ll start early bird tickets on Thursday, at around 12:00 CEST. We have 200 conference tickets available at the Early Bird rate and they usually sell out within a day or two. Invoices will be available in a few weeks ----------------------------------------- Since we’re running the conference in the UK this year and conference tickets are taxed at the location of the conference, we have to charge and pay 20% UK VAT on the tickets. In order to do this, we need a UK VAT registration and associated VAT ID. Unfortunately, this whole process has taken way too long and so we’re starting ticket sales without issuing invoices at this time, simply because we would not be able to issue valid VAT invoices. We will issues these as soon as we have the UK VAT ID, which should be within the next couple of weeks if all goes well. We’ll announce this on the blog and you will then be able to download the invoices in your website account. Help spread the word -------------------- Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social networks as widely as possible. Thank you ! Link to the blog post: https://blog.europython.eu/post/174396639222/europython-2018-early-bird-tick... Tweet: https://twitter.com/europython/status/1001728629917863936 Enjoy, -- EuroPython 2018 Team https://ep2018.europython.eu/ https://www.europython-society.org/