Hi! htmlPARSER is a python class which simplifies the creation of HTML parsers in Python by providing some often needed basic funcionality like template definitions, defining blocks of html text, inclusion of files, etc. The homepage of htmlPARSER is available at http://heimat.de/mrtopf/htmlparser/ and version 0.9 beta 1 can be downloaded at ftp://aachen.heimat.de/mrtopf/htmlparser/htmlPARSER-0.9beta1.tgz It is published under the GNU Library Public License. The author of this package is Christian Scholz and can be reached via email under ruebe@aachen.heimat.de, a homepage is available at http://heimat.de/mrtopf/ regards, Christian [freshmeat.net] htmlPARSER 0.9 beta 1 Christian Scholz - August 15th 1999, 00:43 EST htmlPARSER is a set of python classes which help you in creating HTML parser with user editable templates. These templates can contain two types of elements: Normal HTML code This will be passed directly onto stdout (and thus to the browser), and special HTML tags which you define. These will call the specific functions in your parser which then take any action you want (e.g. perform database queries, calculate something, etc). Changes: Initial public release. Download: ftp://aachen.heimat.de/mrtopf/htmlparser/ Homepage: http://heimat.de/mrtopf/htmlparser/ Author: Christian License: LGPL Category: Development/Python Modules Depends on: Python Freshmeat (c) 1999 scoop@freshmeat.net <P><A HREF="http://heimat.de/mrtopf/htmlparser/">htmlPARSER 0.9 beta 1</A> - Python classes for easy creation of HTML parsers. (15-Aug-99) -- ----------- comp.lang.python.announce (moderated) ---------- Article Submission Address: python-announce@python.org Python Language Home Page: http://www.python.org/ Python Quick Help Index: http://www.python.org/Help.html ------------------------------------------------------------