Leo http://leoeditor.com 6.1 b1 is now available on [GitHub](https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor). Leo is an IDE, outliner and PIM, as described [here]( http://leoeditor.com/preface.html). **The highlights of Leo 6.1** - Pyzo in Leo: Pyzo can optionally run *within* Leo. - Added support for asciidoc and asciidoctor. - Added support for pandoc and sphinx. - Added support for black. - The history_tracer plugin animates git commits. - Integration of Leo with VS code. - New command-line arguments: --global-docks and --window-spot. - New cursor-movement commands. Special thanks to Vitalije Milosevic, Brian Theado, and Matt Wilkie for their contributions to Leo 6.1. **Links** - Leo's home page: http://leoeditor.com - [Documentation](http://leoeditor.com/leo_toc.html) - [Tutorials](http://leoeditor.com/tutorial.html) - [Video tutorials](http://leoeditor.com/screencasts.html) - [Forum](http://groups.google.com/group/leo-editor) - [Download](http://sourceforge.net/projects/leo/files/) - [Leo on GitHub](https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor) - [LeoVue](https://github.com/kaleguy/leovue#leo-vue) - [What people are saying about Leo](http://leoeditor.com/testimonials.html) - [A web page that displays .leo files](http://leoeditor.com/load-leo.html) - [More links](http://leoeditor.com/leoLinks.html) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edward K. Ream: edreamleo@gmail.com Leo: http://leoeditor.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------