Version 0.1.6 of Sarge, a cross-platform library which wraps the subprocess module in the standard library, has been released. What changed? ------------- - Fixed #44: Added an optional timeout to Command.wait() and Pipeline.wait(), which only takes effect on Python >= 3.3. - Fixed #47: Added the ``replace_env`` keyword argument which allows a complete replacement for ``os.environ`` to be passed. - Fixed #51: Improved error handling around a Popen call. What does Sarge do? ------------------- Sarge tries to make interfacing with external programs from your Python applications easier than just using subprocess alone. Sarge offers the following features: * A simple way to run command lines which allows a rich subset of Bash- style shell command syntax, but parsed and run by sarge so that you can run on Windows without cygwin (subject to having those commands available):
from sarge import capture_stdout p = capture_stdout('echo foo | cat; echo bar') for line in p.stdout: print(repr(line)) ... 'foo\n' 'bar\n'
* The ability to format shell commands with placeholders, such that variables are quoted to prevent shell injection attacks. * The ability to capture output streams without requiring you to program your own threads. You just use a Capture object and then you can read from it as and when you want. * The ability to look for patterns in captured output and to interact accordingly with the child process. Advantages over subprocess --------------------------- Sarge offers the following benefits compared to using subprocess: * The API is very simple. * It's easier to use command pipelines - using subprocess out of the box often leads to deadlocks because pipe buffers get filled up. * It would be nice to use Bash-style pipe syntax on Windows, but Windows shells don't support some of the syntax which is useful, like &&, ||, |& and so on. Sarge gives you that functionality on Windows, without cygwin. * Sometimes, subprocess.Popen.communicate() is not flexible enough for one's needs - for example, when one needs to process output a line at a time without buffering the entire output in memory. * It's desirable to avoid shell injection problems by having the ability to quote command arguments safely. * subprocess allows you to let stderr be the same as stdout, but not the other way around - and sometimes, you need to do that. Python version and platform compatibility ----------------------------------------- Sarge is intended to be used on any Python version >= 2.6 and is tested on Python versions 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X (not all versions are tested on all platforms, but sarge is expected to work correctly on all these versions on all these platforms). Finding out more ---------------- You can read the documentation at http://sarge.readthedocs.org/ There's a lot more information, with examples, than I can put into this post. You can install Sarge using "pip install sarge" to try it out. The project is hosted on BitBucket at https://bitbucket.org/vinay.sajip/sarge/ And you can leave feedback on the issue tracker there. I hope you find Sarge useful! Regards, Vinay Sajip