The EuroPython 2021 organization is starting and we're looking for more help with running the conference. * EuroPython 2021 * https://ep2021.europython.eu/ For EP2021, we are using a slightly different approach compared to previous years: - All new volunteers will first join the Plaza – our central get-together place for all team members – and only later enter the various work groups (WGs) we have for running the conference. - Additionally, we will have on-boarding calls with everyone to get to know each other and give an overview to the structures, information and groups we have available, as well as the timeline. If you are interested in helping, please write to volunteers@europython.eu. Our team will then answer any questions you may have and get you signed up for the next on-boarding call. Help spread the word -------------------- Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social networks as widely as possible. Thank you ! Link to the blog post: https://blog.europython.eu/europytho-2021-volunteerng/ Tweet: https://twitter.com/europython/status/1362416745814888451 Enjoy, -- EuroPython 2021 Team https://www.europython-society.org/