===================================== Announcing icontract-hypothesis 1.0.0 ===================================== An initial release of icontract-hypothesis is now available: https://github.com/mristin/icontract-hypothesis/releases/tag/v1.0.0 together with IDE integrations: * https://github.com/mristin/icontract-hypothesis-vim, and * https://github.com/mristin/icontract-hypothesis-pycharm About icontract-hypothesis ========================== Icontract-hypothesis combines design-by-contract with automatic testing. It is an integration between icontract library for design-by-contract and Hypothesis library for property-based testing. The result is a powerful combination that allows you to automatically test your code. Instead of writing manually the Hypothesis search strategies for a function, icontract-hypothesis infers them based on the function's precondition. This makes automatic testing as effortless as it goes. Since the contracts live close to the code, evolving the code also automatically evolves the tests. Maintainer ========== The icontract-hypothesis is currently maintained by: * Marko Ristin <marko@ristin.ch> Many thanks to all the people who participated in the discussions and gave valuable suggestions! Copyright ========= Copyright (c) 2020 Marko Ristin <marko@ristin.ch> Icontract-hypothesis is released under the MIT license. See the file LICENSE for more details.