Hello, I'm very happy to announce the first release of Zato, the next generation ESB and application server, available under a commercial-friendly open-source LGPL license. https://zato.io What can you expect out of the box? ----------------------------------- * HTTP, JSON, SOAP, Redis, AMQP, JMS WebSphere MQ, ZeroMQ, FTP, SQL, hot-deployment, job scheduling, statistics, high-availability load balancing and more * Incredible productivity with Python * Painless rollouts with less downtime * Slick web admin GUI, CLI and API * Awesome documentation (several hundred A4 pages) * 24x7 commercial support and training Links ----- Project's site: https://zato.io Download: https://zato.io/download/zato-1.0.tar.bz2 Support: https://zato.io/support Docs: https://zato.io/docs Architecture: https://zato.io/docs/architecture/overview.html Tutorial: https://zato.io/docs/tutorial/01.html GitHub: https://github.com/zatosource Mailing list: https://mailman-mail5.webfaction.com/listinfo/zato-discuss IRC: irc://irc.freenode.net/zato Twitter: https://twitter.com/zatosource LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=5015554 Diversity statement: https://zato.io/docs/project/diversity.html Spread the news and enjoy! :-) cheers, -- Dariusz Suchojad https://zato.io The next generation ESB and application server. Open-source. In Python.