Hi everybody, I just wanted to inform you of the current state of the single-file easy-to-install Python interpreter. This is the current set of binaries available: cgipython-1.5.2-AIX-2-000771064C00-.gz cgipython-1.5.2-FreeBSD-2.2.8-RELEASE-i386-i386.gz cgipython-1.5.2-FreeBSD-3.0-RELEASE-i386-i386.gz cgipython-1.5.2-FreeBSD-3.1-19990426-STABLE-i386-i386.gz cgipython-1.5.2-HP-UX-A.09.03-9000_715-unknown.gz cgipython-1.5.2-HP-UX-B.10.20-9000_782-unknown.gz cgipython-1.5.2-IRIX-5.3-IP19-mips.gz cgipython-1.5.2-Linux-2.0.34-i586-RedHat-5.1.gz cgipython-1.5.2-Linux-2.0.35-i586-unknown.gz cgipython-1.5.2-Linux-2.0.35-i686-unknown.gz cgipython-1.5.2-Linux-2.0.36-i586-Debian-2.1.gz cgipython-1.5.2-Linux-2.0.36-i586-unknown.gz cgipython-1.5.2-Linux-2.2.7-i586-SuSE60.gz cgipython-1.5.2-NetBSD-1.3.2-alpha.gz cgipython-1.5.2-NetBSD-1.3.3-i386.gz cgipython-1.5.2-SunOS-5.5.1-sun4u-sparc-alternate.gz cgipython-1.5.2-SunOS-5.5.1-sun4u-sparc.gz If you have access to other platforms not included in the list, feel free to contribute a binary. Compiling the binary is really easy and only takes about two minutes of your time (plus some five minutes CPU time). All the details and links to the binaries are available on the project web-page: http://starship.skyport.net/~lemburg/mxCGIPython.html BTW, the general technique used by the cgipython setup should also be applicable on Windows platforms... maybe someone could look into this and contribute a zipped exe file for Win95/98/NT. Note that even though these binaries are intended to ease CGI program writing, they are also usable as normal Python interpreters with the restriction that command line arguments cannot be passed to the interpreter, e.g. cgipython -u myscript.py does not work. This was done for CGI security reasons to prevent attacks of the form python -c "import os; os.system('rm -rf /')" being sent to the interpreter via CGI. Cheers, == Marc-Andre Lemburg ______________________________________________________________________ Y2000: 225 days left Business: http://www.lemburg.com/ Python Pages: http://www.lemburg.com/python/ <P><A HREF="http://starship.skyport.net/~lemburg/mxCGIPython.html"> mxCGIPython 1.5.2</A> - one-file Python interpreters, to simplify running of CGI scripts. (20-May-99) -- ----------- comp.lang.python.announce (moderated) ---------- Article Submission Address: python-announce@python.org Python Language Home Page: http://www.python.org/ Python Quick Help Index: http://www.python.org/Help.html ------------------------------------------------------------