PyWeek is a twice-a-year game jam that has been running for the past 15 years. Starting on the first day of the jam (Sunday, March 28), you start coding, designing, and developing your game. This can be done as an individual or with a team. By Sunday, April 3rd you must submit your entry on the PyWeek website (pyweek.org) for it to be counted as a valid submission. You can register on PyWeek.org. Head over to that webpage, click on the "Latest Challenge", and you should see an option to "Register an Entry". If you register now you can vote for what the theme of the game jam will be. Last's PyWeek had the theme of "Castaway." If you have any questions, want to chat with other people participating, or find people to join a team, come hang out on Python Discord (https://discord.gg/python)! Feel free to tag me, Janine (kutiekatj9), if you have any questions in the server or feel free to just send me an email.