Hi, We are happy to announce astng 0.20.0 and pylint 0.20.0 releases. Pylint http://www.logilab.org/project/pylint is a static code checker based on Astng, both depending on logilab-common 0.49. Astng http://www.logilab.org/project/logilab-astng builds an enhanced Abstract Syntax Tree for Pylint. Astng 0.20.0 is a major refactoring and speed improvement, all along fixing a lot of important bugs: http://www.logilab.org/project/logilab-astng/0.20.0 Pylint 0.20.0 uses the new Astng, and fixes a lot of bugs too, adding some new functionalities: #5564: Parameters with leading "_" shouldn't count as "local" variables #18860: warn on assert( a, b ?) #9776: warning if return or break inside a finally #9982: specific message for NotImplemented exception For a full list, check http://www.logilab.org/project/pylint/0.20.0 We would like to thank all people who contributed to this release, especially PYLINT : * Colin Moris' patch closed #9263: no W0613 for __init__ (method does not use all of its arguments) * Johnson Fletcher implemented #18860, new W0199 message on assert (a, b) * Daniel Harding, Jonathan Hartley and Pierre Rouleau solved the windows batch files problems. * Chmouel Boudjnah solved #19339: pylint.el : non existing py-mod-map ASTNG : * Edward K. Ream / Tom Fleck patch closes #19641 (maximum recursion depth exceeded) . * Winfried Plapper pointed out and fixed bugs in astng.nodes_as_string . Also, we would thank all people who found new bugs, added interesting tickets and helped with their suggestions to improve pylint and keep the project alive. -- Emile Anclin <emile.anclin@logilab.fr> http://www.logilab.fr/ http://www.logilab.org/ Informatique scientifique & et gestion de connaissances