I'm pleased to announce the release of tsplib95 v0.4.0! What's New? ----------- * parser now raises ``ParserError`` instead of ``Exception`` * problem fields are now documented * added explicit support for python 3.7 * corrected a parameter name in ``distances.geographical`` What is tsplib95? ----------------- tsplib95 is a library for reading TSPLIB95 problems and solutions. It supports the entire file format specification and automatically converts problems into ``networkx.Graph`` instances. License: Apache Software License 2.0 * Read the **docs**: https://tsplib95.readthedocs.io/ * Install from **PyPI**: https://pypi.org/project/tsplib95/0.4.0/ * Contribute **source**: https://github.com/rhgrant10/tsplib95 Example ------- .. code-block:: python >>> import tsplib95 >>> import networkx as nx >>> # read problem files >>> problem = tsplib95.load_problem('path/to/att48.tsp') >>> problem.name >>> problem.comment '48 capitals of the US (Padberg/Rinaldi)' >>> problem.dimension 48 >>> problem.type 'TSP' >>> # auto-generated weight function for any two nodes >>> problem.wfunc(2, 6) 6977 >>> # convert to networkx >>> G = problem.get_graph() >>> if problem.is_symmteric(): ... assert issubclass(G, nx.Graph) ... else: ... assert issubclass(G, nx.DiGraph) >>> if problem.is_depictable(): ... nx.draw(G) ... Enjoy! Robert Grant