Announcing standalone PyGadgets, a portable GUI tool (toy) box. PyGadgets is a set of four Python/Tk desktop GUIs, which run on Mac OS, Windows, and Linux, and are launched from a quick-access toolbar: * PyCalc - a flexible calculator * PyClock - an analog/digital clock * PyPhoto - a portable image viewer * PyToe - an AI-based tic-tac-toe game All four gadgets are originally from the book PP4E, but have been greatly enhanced, ported to Mac OS, made more easily customizable, and bundled as both portable source code and standalone apps and executables. For a quick preview, browse the screenshots page: http://learning-python.com/pygadgets-products/unzipped/screenshots/ For all the details, and to grab a copy of your own, see: http://learning-python.com/pygadgets.html For more free and open-source Python programs, check out: http://learning-python.com/programs.html Enjoy, --M. Lutz, http://learning-python.com