Hi all, It fills us with astronomical joy to announce the release of *poliastro 0.9.0*! 🚀 poliastro is a pure Python library that allows you to simulate and analyze interplanetary orbits in a Jupyter notebook in an interactive and easy way, used in academia and the industry by people from all around the world. You can install it using pip or conda: pip install poliastro conda install poliastro --channel conda-forge This release brought many visualization improvements, and most specially new propagators and perturbation forces. The new propagators have better convergence properties so you should see fewer errors, and the new perturbation forces are extremely cool to simulate non-Keplerian orbits. You can read a brief example in the documentation: http://docs.poliastro.space/en/v0.9.0/user_guide.html#accounting-non-kepleri... On the other hand, we are very excited with all the good news about the project: one student will be working full time as part of the Google Summer of Code, and we will present the library in the upcoming Python in Astronomy workshop in New York, USA. You can read the full release notes in the documentation: http://docs.poliastro.space/en/v0.9.0/changelog.html#poliastro-0-9-0-2018-04... If you want to know more, don't miss my talk on the Open Source Cubesat Worshop held at the European Space Operations Centre: https://youtu.be/KnoYzqAw_vM?t=1h36m14s Please come and join our chat on Matrix/Riot and feel free to ask any questions you might have: https://riot.im/app/#/room/#poliastro:matrix.org Per Python ad astra! -- Juan Luis Cano