what is it ---------- A simple script calling the W3C HTML Validator in batch mode. Adapted from Perl version. changes since the last full release ----------------------------------- - BUGFIX: checks for Valid or Invalid adapted to changes of W3C HTML Validator HTML (the check is really naive!) - BUGFIX: fixed saving of reports - improvement of output - added valid and invalid example HTML download -------- download validate-1.7 - 090620 from http://cthedot.de/batchvalidator/ tested on Python 2.6.2 only but should work on other versions as it is really simple... Included is a (modified) httplib_multipart.py script (originally from http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/146306) to be able to POST fields and files to an HTTP host as multipart/form-data. any comment appreciated... thanks, Christof