Hello! I'm pleased to announce version 0.11.1, a minor bugfix release of 0.11 branch of SQLObject. What is SQLObject ================= SQLObject is an object-relational mapper. Your database tables are described as classes, and rows are instances of those classes. SQLObject is meant to be easy to use and quick to get started with. SQLObject supports a number of backends: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Firebird, Sybase, MSSQL and MaxDB (also known as SAPDB). Where is SQLObject ================== Site: http://sqlobject.org Development: http://sqlobject.org/devel/ Mailing list: https://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/listinfo/sqlobject-discuss Archives: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.sqlobject Download: http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/SQLObject/0.11.1 News and changes: http://sqlobject.org/News.html What's New ========== News since 0.11.0 ----------------- * Fixed a bug: Sybase tables with identity column fire two identity_inserts. * Fixed a bug: q.startswith(), q.contains() and q.endswith() escape (with a backslash) all special characters (backslashes, underscores and percent signs). For a more complete list, please see the news: http://sqlobject.org/News.html Oleg. -- Oleg Broytmann http://phd.pp.ru/ phd@phd.pp.ru Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.