magic-wormhole is a library and command-line tool which makes it possible to _securely_ and _easily_ get arbitrary-sized files and directories (or short pieces of text) from one computer to another. By making use of a "mailbox" server on the public internet and the SPAKE2 algorithm, short human-pronouncable codes are used to obtain an end-to-end encrypted connection (peer-to-peer in favourable network conditions). This server cannot see plaintext and could make a single attempt to subvert a connection (the same as any other attacker). More details are provided in the documentation: https://magic-wormhole.readthedocs.io/en/latest/welcome.html#design RELEASE 0.13.0 -------------- https://pypi.python.org/pypi/magic-wormhole/0.13.0 New in this release: * Python 2.7 support is dropped (#457) * Python 3.5 and 3.6 are past their EOL date and support is dropped (#448) * SECURITY: Replace "weird" characters in receiver's display (#476) * SECURITY: all past binary signatures are now in Git * Use the HKDF primitive from "cryptography" (#462) * `wormhole receive` now accepts `--allocate-code` so that a sender can use `--code` to send them a file (#450) * Stream to disk after 10MB on directory receive (#447) * Handle SSH keys with comments properly (#434) * Properly parse IPv6 Transit address (#461) Also of interest to developers in this release are a few changes to the experimental Dilation implementation and description; some documentation cleanups; dropping of dependencies; and some test cleanups. The Dilation changes properly send `use-version` and split messages over Noise-sized chunks more seamlessly (allowing the specified 4-byte maximum message size at the application layer). For packagers: PyPI has stopped serving detached signature files. Going forward, all signatures will be committed to Git (in the signatures/ subdirectory). All available signatures from PyPI for historic releases have been added here too. Thanks to the many contributors of bug-fixes, patches, and other help with this release: * Jelle van der Waa https://github.com/jelly (#466) * Matthias Riße https://github.com/matrss (#432, #434) * meejah https://meejah.ca (#484, #481, #483, #455, #477, #464, #456, #460) * Perseid https://github.com/Perseid (#476) * FelisDiligens https://github.com/FelisDiligens (#461) * Casey Link https://github.com/Ramblurr (#468) * Kian-Meng Ang https://github.com/kianmeng (#452) * sitiom https://github.com/sitiom (#436) * Sagar Howal https://github.com/sagarhowal (#410) * Adam Sroka https://github.com/adam-sroka (#403, #404) * vu3rdd https://github.com/vu3rdd (reviews) Thanks, meejah