Hi all, It fills us with astronomical joy to announce the release of poliastro 0.11.1! 🚀 poliastro is a pure Python library that allows you to simulate and analyze interplanetary orbits in a Jupyter notebook in an interactive and easy way, used in academia and the industry by people from all around the world. You can install it using pip or conda: pip install poliastro conda install poliastro --channel conda-forge This release brought some bug fixes that we accumulated while preparing the next major version. You can read the full release notes in the documentation: http://docs.poliastro.space/en/v0.11.1/changelog.html#poliastro-0-11-1-2018-... If you want to know more, don't miss my talk on the Open Source Cubesat Worshop held at the European Space Operations Centre last year: https://youtu.be/KnoYzqAw_vM?t=1h36m14s Please join our chat on Matrix/Riot and feel free to ask any questions you might have: https://riot.im/app/#/room/#poliastro:matrix.org Per Python ad astra! -- Juan Luis Cano