Hi everyone, I’m very excited to announce the release of pluggable-info-monitor 0.2.1 First public release. You can download it form bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/GeorgeFischhof/pluggable_info_monitor package index page: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pluggable-info-monitor What is pluggable-info-monitor? A web application that shows the information you gathered with your plugin. It can be anything ;-) examples: - in a development environment, bug statistics, build and test results - in education, some education material - in an office it can show the weather foreast, namedays, daily quotes - it can be used as a dashboard for system administrators - etc There are example plugins to help developing your own plugins. Please note: The full feature set requires Python 3.4 and later. Have fun using pluggable-info-monitor George