A new release for this CGNS wrapper. This version has a larger wrap of CGNS MLL, many examples and a lot of corrected bugs. The web site has now the on-line docs, see http://elsa.onera.fr/CGNS/releases FEATURES: - a simple wrapper on top of ADF calls and MLL calls - an attempt to an Object-oriented interface to CGNS mid-level lib - all data arrays are Python Numeric Arrays - tests and demos for ADF/CGNS - some User's Guide to CGNS examples, a naca0012 sample, etc... - a tree parser demo with an XML tree output, date stamps... - tests on ADF, MLL and SIDS calls (not 100% coverage so far) -MP- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Marc POINOT Alias: marcvs Email: poinot@onera.fr ONERA -MFE/DSNA/ELSA Tel: Info: elsa-info@onera.fr 29, Div. Leclerc Fax: Site: 92322 Chatillon FRANCE Project: elsA Web: http://www.onera.fr