EuroPython 2021 offers special discounts on business tickets for company teams. * EuroPython Volume Discounts * https://ep2021.europython.eu/sponsor/packages/#Volume-Discount If you are going to attend the conference as a team, we offer the following volume discounts as a thank you: - 5 business tickets for the price of 4 - 10 business tickets for the price of 8 - 15 business tickets for the price of 11 In addition to the above offer, we'll also send out a mention on Twitter welcoming your team. Your company should email sponsoring@europython.eu to apply. You will then receive a coupon code and the welcome tweet will be handled by us. You can also visit the ticket shop to view the different ticket types and this year’s schedule to see the timetable for EuroPython 2021 in your local time zone. https://ep2021.europython.eu/registration/buy-tickets/ https://ep2021.europython.eu/schedule/ Quick Summary ------------- EuroPython 2021 will be run online from July 26 - August 1: - Two workshop/training days (July 26 - 27) - Three conference days (July 28 - 30) - Two sprint days (July 31 - August 1) The sessions will be scheduled to ensure they are also accessible for those in the Asian and Americas time zones. More infos are available on our website at https://ep2021.europython.eu/ Help spread the word -------------------- Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social networks as widely as possible. Thank you ! Link to the blog post: https://blog.europython.eu/europython-2021-volume-discount-for-company-teams... Tweet: https://twitter.com/europython/status/1409886833085980686 Enjoy, -- EuroPython 2021 Team https://ep2021.europython.eu/ https://www.europython-society.org/