To: Embedded systems developers who love Python Announcing the Asp Scripting Platform for embedded systems Because Python is rather difficult to add into existing embedded applications as compared with scripting facilities like Lua, I created a Python-like scripting environment called Asp, specifically targeted at embedded/real-time applications. - Asp feels like simple Python, so it's easy to learn if you already know Python. - Asp is designed for 32-bit embedded and/or real-time systems and can be easily added into existing applications to provide a scripting environment. (Different design from MicroPython.) - Asp works with OS/RTOS-based or bare-metal applications. - Asp's memory footprint is low, it avoids use of dynamic memory allocation and recursion, and leaves the application in control of the processor between each byte-code instruction. - Script-callable functions in the application can be written in a way so as to not block execution while making it appear that the call in the script is blocking, making script logic simpler. - For safety, scripts are explicitly compiled against an application-specific API spec and checked for compatibility before the script is allowed to run on the target. - The engine has been extensively fuzz tested to ensure it is well behaved. More info (repos and docs) at https://asplang.org. Enjoy! Allen B. Taylor