The Python world is hopping this week, with some high-profile announcements: Two books out this week! Fredrik Lundh (a.k.a. eff-bot) published his guide to the standard Python library as an eMatter volume: http://www.pythonware.com/people/fredrik/librarybook.htm David Beazley releases a great summary of the essential Python information in his most excellent book (I know, I reviewed it): http://www.deja.com/getdoc.xp&AN=540981804 Frank Willison is still pushing Python and Zope at ORA, in very sneaky ways: http://www.oreilly.com/frank/rossum_1099.html http://www.oreilly.com/frank/ The Python Jobs board is live, and already populated with quite a few job offers, some at marquee companies, some at intriguing startups: http://www.python.org/Jobs.html Marc-Andre Lemburg bit the bullet and with help from many, has a module which gives much more information than sys.platform: http://starship.skyport.net/~lemburg/platform.py There's an interesting discussion on whether multimethods (a.k.a. multiple dispatch) could and should be used in Python. http://www.deja.com/getdoc.xp&AN=540981803 http://www.deja.com/getdoc.xp&AN=542008708 Barry Warsaw releases JPython 1.1b4, fixing bugs and increasing speed both: http://www.jpython.org ========================================================================= Everything you want is probably one or two clicks away in these pages: Python.org's Python Language Website is the center of Pythonia http://www.python.org Much of Python's real work takes place on Special-Interest Group mailing lists http://www.python.org/sigs/ Python Consortium emerges as an independent nexus of activity http://www.python.org/consortium Python To-Do List anticipates some of Python's future direction http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/todo.py Python Journal is at work on its second issue http://www.pythonjournal.com Links2Go is a new semi-automated link collection; it's impressive what AI can generate http://www.links2go.com/search?search=python Archive probing trick of the trade: http://www.dejanews.com/dnquery.xp?QRY=&DBS=2&ST=PS&defaultOp=AND&LNG=ALL&format=threaded&showsort=date&maxhits=100&groups=comp.lang.python Previous - (U)se the (R)esource, (L)uke! - messages are listed here: http://purl.org/thecliff/python/url.html or http://www.dejanews.com/dnquery.xp?QRY=~g%20comp.lang.python%20Python-URL%21 Suggestions/corrections for next week's posting are always welcome. http://www.egroups.com/list/python-url-leads/ To receive a new issue of this posting in e-mail each Monday morning, ask <claird@neosoft.com> to subscribe. Mention "Python-URL!". -- The Python-URL! Team-- Dr. Dobb's Journal (http://www.ddj.com) is pleased to participate in and sponsor the "Python-URL!" project. == Cameron Laird http://starbase.neosoft.com/~claird/home.html claird@NeoSoft.com +1 281 996 8546 FAX -- ----------- comp.lang.python.announce (moderated) ---------- Article Submission Address: python-announce@python.org Python Language Home Page: http://www.python.org/ Python Quick Help Index: http://www.python.org/Help.html ------------------------------------------------------------