Hello, We have decided to extend our Call for Proposals (CFP) deadline for talks and workshops until May 22nd, 23:59 UTC+5:30. If you were worried you would not be able to submit your proposal on time, you now have some more days to do it now. For more details on how to submit a proposal, you can checkout the initial blogpost on announcing call for proposals: https://in.pycon.org/blog/2021/cfp-announcement.html Not sure how to submit the proposals or worried about mistakes, please do checkout blogpost on * Best Practices to look out for when submitting talks to PyCon India: https://in.pycon.org/blog/2021/cfp-best-practices.html * Trying to submit a talk for the first time, we also have a mentorship team to assist in this. Please do checkout the blogpost on Mentorship: https://in.pycon.org/blog/2021/announce-mentorship.html Quick Summary: ---------------------- PyCon India 2021 is happening online from 17th Sep, 2021 to 20th Sep, 2021. * WorkShop Days: 17th Sep, 2021 * Conference Days: 18th-19th Sep, 2021 * DevSprints Days: 20th Sep, 2021 Conference tickets are open now, Grab it from here: https://in.pycon.org/2021/ Have any questions or suggestions, Do reach out to us on Zulip: https://pyconindia.zulipchat.com/ Thanks, Chandan Kumar