Dear Python Community, PyCon Tanzania 2020 will take place on the 14th & 15th of December, 2020. Since conference facilities have been open to the public, we will be running PyCon Tanzania as an onsite event. PyCon Tanzania, is seeking speakers of all experience levels and backgrounds to contribute to the Python Conference program. *We are looking for presenters who would:* - Present a Keynote (30 minute long talks on a subject of general interest) - Talks for 30 minute on a specific topics as a speaker - Offer a technical tutorial on an appropriate topic; - Convene and chair panel sessions of relevant topics. *Topics must be relevant to the Python Language and Open Source Software:* - Python usage in your Project - Python usage in Research - Machine Learning - Artificial Intelligence - Open Source Software - Cyber Security - Content Development - Gaming and Machine Vision - Cloud Computing & Virtualisation - Ideas on improving diversity and inclusiveness - Functional programming etc - Data Science We hope to notify accepted presenters by no later than the 31st of November 2020. *SUBMIT YOUR PRESENTATION / TUTORIAL TO*:* speak@pycon.or.tz <speak@pycon.or.tz> * If you want to present something else at PyCon Tanzania, please contact the organising committee at speak@pycon.or.tz Regards, Noah PyCon Tanzania 2020 Program Committee http://www.pycon.or.tz/