Hello! I wanted to announce here a "new" iOS app for coding Python: Pyto. It's available on the App Store and is open source. Features ===================== The app has a file browser with scripts, a code editor with syntax coloring and smart code completion and a console that supports input. It also has a REPL. Themes can be applied for the whole app. Debugger ===================== Scripts can be debugged with PDB and breakpoints can be set from the editor. Apple APIs with Python ===================== A module is pre-installed for accessing Objective-C class. An 'UIKit' module is written on top of it with all UIKit classes and an 'ui' module allows showing user interfaces created with Apple APIs. C Extensions ===================== iOS restrictions make impossible to load dynamic libraries outside the app bundle, so no module with C code can be installed, like NumPy, Pandas and Matplotlib. So, the main goal of this app is to provide latest versions of most popular libraries that have C code and cannot be installed by the user. The app has NumPy 1.16.1, Pandas 0.24.1 and Matplotlib 0.24.1. Matplotlib supports displaying figures on the console. Other pure Python modules ===================== Other pure Python modules can be installed with a minimal version of pip. Links ===================== Source code: https://github.com/ColdGrub1384/Pyto [https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/19255527?s=400&v=4]<https://github.com/ColdGrub1384/Pyto> ColdGrub1384/Pyto<https://github.com/ColdGrub1384/Pyto> Python IDE for iOS and macOS with, NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas and UIKit support - ColdGrub1384/Pyto github.com App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pyto-python-ide/id1436650069?ls=1&mt=8 Home page: https://develobile.com/pyto/ [https://is3-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Purple124/v4/9b/e8/9d/9be89dd6-f54f-52c0-b0c7-0d6374696034/AppIcon-0-1x_U007emarketing-0-0-GLES2_U002c0-512MB-sRGB-0-0-0-85-220-0-0-0-7.png/1200x630wa.png]<https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pyto-python-ide/id1436650069?ls=1&mt=8> Pyto - Python IDE on the App Store - itunes.apple.com<https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pyto-python-ide/id1436650069?ls=1&mt=8> Pyto is a Python 3.7 IDE for iPhone an iPad. You can run code directly on your device and offline. Features: - Python 3.7 with all default libraries like "sys" itunes.apple.com