The pytest team is proud to announce the 6.1.0 release! This release contains new features, improvements, bug fixes, and breaking changes, so users are encouraged to take a look at the CHANGELOG carefully: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/changelog.html For complete documentation, please visit: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/ As usual, you can upgrade from PyPI via: pip install -U pytest Thanks to all of the contributors to this release: * Anthony Sottile * Bruno Oliveira * C. Titus Brown * Drew Devereux * Faris A Chugthai * Florian Bruhin * Hugo van Kemenade * Hynek Schlawack * Joseph Lucas * Kamran Ahmad * Mattreex * Maximilian Cosmo Sitter * Ran Benita * Rüdiger Busche * Sam Estep * Sorin Sbarnea * Thomas Grainger * Vipul Kumar * Yutaro Ikeda * hp310780 Happy testing, The pytest Development Team