We have received an amazing collection of 376 proposals. Thank you all for your contributions! Given the overwhelming quality of the proposals, we had some very difficult decisions to make. Nonetheless we are happy to announce we have published the first 120+ sessions. https://ep2018.europython.eu/en/events/sessions/ Here’s what we have on offer so far: * 12 Trainings (complete) * 98 Talks (some more will follow) * 6 help desks (complete) * 10 posters (complete) More sessions to come ================= We have informed all speakers with accepted submissions by email. We are further selecting a second wave of talks, that will be announced soon. Please see the session list for details and abstracts. In case you wonder what poster, interactive and help desk sessions are, please check the call for proposals. https://ep2018.europython.eu/en/call-for-proposals/ Enjoy, – EuroPython 2018 Team https://ep2018.europython.eu/ https://www.europython-society.org/ Alexander Hendorf as EuroPython vice chair & chair of the program work group Twitter: @hendorf LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hendorf EuroPython: https://www.europython.eu/ https://twitter.com/europython https://www.facebook.com/europython EuroPython Society: http://www.europython-society.org/