Hi everyone, I’m happy to announce structlog 17.1.0 has been released to PyPI: <https://pypi.org/project/structlog/> The main features of this release are massive improvements in standard library's logging integration. Have a look at the updated standard library chapter on how to use them! Special thanks go to Fabian Büchler, Gilbert Gilb's, Iva Kaneva, insolite, and sky-code, that made them possible. Check out the full changelog at <https://structlog.readthedocs.io/en/17.1.0/changelog.html> *** If you haven’t heard of structlog: it makes logging in Python less painful and more powerful by adding structure to your log entries. It’s up to you whether you want structlog to take care about the output of your log entries or whether you prefer to forward them to an existing logging system like the standard library’s logging module. No monkey patching involved in either case. Got to <http://www.structlog.org/> to read more!